philliphaydon.com );
1:21:55 AM
1:22:08 AM
dfowler fixed the formatting on github
1:22:16 AM
philliphaydon.com there's another one but i can't remember it
1:22:18 AM
dfowler :octocat:
1:22:24 AM
philliphaydon.com ", ()
1:25:22 AM
samandmoore I'm getting everything running locally right now, i'm going to try to work on some of the bugs this week... i'd love to get involved, just have to find time outside of work
1:26:30 AM
dfowler awesome
1:26:44 AM
aaronpowell this seems like it was all a ploy to fix jabbr bugs :P
1:41:02 AM
philliphaydon.com lol
1:41:14 AM
dfowler yeah jabbr
1:41:30 AM
1:41:31 AM
1:41:37 AM
1:41:40 AM
1:41:45 AM
1:41:45 AM
aaronpowell bah, needs more funnelweb!
1:41:46 AM
samandmoore haha ulterior motive
1:41:49 AM
dfowler :)
1:41:58 AM
samandmoore start pasting in funnelweb bugs, maybe you'll get lucky :P
1:42:12 AM
tobin funnelweb has bugs?
1:42:27 AM
aaronpowell nah it needs more features
1:42:40 AM
dfowler osss
2:20:36 AM
samandmoore sss?
2:21:01 AM
cecilphillip open source software sweetness
2:45:31 AM
samandmoore i like it
2:45:38 AM
alrighty i'm out for the night
2:46:06 AM
catch ya later
2:46:11 AM
DamianEdwards i have some OSS projects ppl can work on too :)
3:36:51 AM
Web Forms MVP needs a refresh for ASP.NET 4.5
3:36:58 AM
and jQuery KeyTips has bugs and features planned for a next release
3:37:14 AM
ummm, actually have lots planned for Web Forms 4.5 stuff, would love to get some volunteers
3:37:47 AM
and of course SignalR
3:38:18 AM
shifty @DamianEdwards indeed, no lack of things we could be working on :)
3:43:43 AM
Aeoth How do people manage strong naming (pfx) a library in OSS scenarios? ie, I want MA.M strongly named so anybody in any circumstance can use it, but I don't want people getting build errors when they checkout the project.
4:46:47 AM
bilalhasankhan Hi
10:05:39 PM
samandmoore don't mind me, just playing with emoji ")
6:49:49 PM
k, I think I've got a fix for emoji parsing issue. will issue a pull request tonight ")
7:11:48 PM
samandmoore hey, anyone around?
2:14:07 AM
@dfowler added an update to that pull request :)
2:27:23 AM
izevaka question for open source nerds. Does a binary distribution of a program require all the modules' MIT licenses to be referenced from within the app?
1:27:10 PM
8:04:25 AM
jeffhandley Everyone is out on twitter squeezing into 140 characters, and I'm just sitting here master writing with no limit.
8:05:26 AM
dfowler lol
8:05:31 AM
8:05:34 AM
8:05:35 AM
jeffhandley I think we're reaching a pretty good consensus
8:05:56 AM
"We accept pull requests" has become the worst thing you can say.
8:06:11 AM
dfowler yea
8:06:18 AM
I never say that shit
8:06:22 AM
I don't even want the PR
8:06:25 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I would join in here but Jane not optimised for mobile.... Maybe ill do a pull request
8:06:27 AM
dfowler sometimes
8:06:29 AM
8:06:34 AM
good luck
8:06:38 AM
jeffhandley "Sounds like a great idea. Wanna give it a shot and we'll help?"
8:06:39 AM
dfowler nah
8:06:46 AM
the wording should be
8:06:53 AM
This is a good idea, lets write a design up
8:07:09 AM
check this out
8:07:11 AM
8:07:42 AM
this is my best example of a feature that made it into the product suggested by a random dude
8:08:03 AM
8:08:05 AM
designed and re-designed
8:08:13 AM
ahandersson nice
8:08:24 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I agree opening a discussion like in that pull request example is exactly what we want. But someone who has never done it, isn't going to be coming to that overnight.
8:09:22 AM
jeffhandley That's great, @dfowler. Good example.
8:09:32 AM
dfowler for our next release
8:09:45 AM
I'm trying to tag some bugs for people to take a look at
8:09:59 AM
ones that are low hanging fruit but not high priority
8:10:13 AM
contributors are awesome for that
8:10:17 AM
big features are messy
8:10:20 AM
takes lots of time from the team as well
8:10:25 AM
jeffhandley NuGet has hundreds of those. And we just renamed our backlog to "Up For Grabs" to communicate that.
8:10:41 AM
dfowler yea doesn't work tho right?
8:10:49 AM
A design needs to be fleshed out
8:11:00 AM
jeffhandley I meant the low-hanging fruit. Crossed messages.
8:11:14 AM
dfowler yeah
8:11:19 AM
i would love to solve that
8:11:27 AM
get active contributions
8:11:34 AM
jeffhandley big features need to have design signed off by core team, and probably code written by core team.
8:11:41 AM
dfowler with enough design so that it's a matter of code
8:11:47 AM
dotnetjunky Hey I'm back to jabbr after one year
8:12:28 AM
dfowler heh
8:13:00 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I think marking things as issues the community can pick up on is a great idea. Gives people a place to start.
8:13:06 AM
dfowler yea
8:13:44 AM
community tag?
8:13:47 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Yep. We should so this for glimpse as well.
8:14:14 AM
dfowler so we're using milestones on github
8:14:44 AM
so what I'm doing is moving things into a release
8:14:54 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Hoping on a plane to oz. ttyl
8:14:59 AM
dfowler and going to mark it with this new tag
8:15:00 AM
jeffhandley Check this... @dotnetjunky just created an acknowledgements.txt in the NuGet repo yesterday. I just added a link to it from
http://nuget.codeplex.com. See it in the 2.3 release links. It has some awesome stuff in there.
8:15:03 AM
dfowler @anthony.vanderhoorn safe trip
8:15:07 AM
8:15:11 AM
we shud do more of that
8:15:15 AM
will encourge ppl
8:15:17 AM
jeffhandley LAter, @anthony.vanderhoorn and thanks for forgiving me for the cringe.
8:15:33 AM
dotnetjunky I'm thinking of removing dfowler from that list though
8:15:34 AM
8:15:41 AM
jeffhandley Okay, I'm going to go finish writing up my notes on the whole NuGet metadata issue that started this giant discussion.
8:17:38 AM
8:17:44 AM
I'm adding more process on how contributors can contribute
8:17:49 AM
guidance is a bitch
8:17:53 AM
jeffhandley @dfowler Did you see the NuGet blog post on our revised approach?
8:18:50 AM
dfowler nope
8:18:54 AM
dotnetjunky every time I switched from other tabs to the JabbR tab, IE crashes
8:18:56 AM
what are you doing?
8:19:00 AM
dfowler switch tabs?
8:19:06 AM
dotnetjunky IE tabs
8:19:10 AM
dfowler file a bug
8:19:12 AM
jeffhandley 8:19:13 AM
dfowler with repro steps
8:19:14 AM
8:19:33 AM
@jeffhandley I like a milestone
8:19:39 AM
8:19:40 AM
how do they know which release their change will make it into
8:19:52 AM
does it get promoted
8:19:56 AM
8:19:58 AM
dotnetjunky what gets promoted?
8:21:15 AM
dfowler bugs in the up for grabs milestone
8:21:26 AM
do they get moved to the actual release
8:21:41 AM
after they get fxed
8:21:43 AM
dotnetjunky the fixed one or unfixed one?
8:21:50 AM
at least for now
8:22:21 AM
8:22:21 AM
after they send pull requests, we'll evaluate which release it should go into
8:22:41 AM
jeffhandley And then they would get moved into whichever release the QA team will sign off on the feature in.
8:23:06 AM
QA pulls features into release. Devs no longer push features into one.
8:23:29 AM
dfowler i see
8:24:49 AM
dotnetjunky though I like to push QA to pull features into releases
8:25:10 AM
we need to make our QA work harder
8:25:34 AM
dfowler lol
8:25:48 AM
dotnetjunky do you want to see one example of a failed OSS project?
8:29:42 AM
nuget package explorer
8:29:48 AM
nobody has contributed anything
8:29:52 AM
8:29:53 AM
I mean for the last one year
8:30:01 AM
I'm going to close source it
8:30:16 AM
dfowler lol
8:30:23 AM
8:30:31 AM
too hard
8:30:35 AM
dotnetjunky doesn't have to contribute to wpf
8:30:52 AM
there's core code in there
8:30:58 AM
jeffhandley @dotnetjunky The way we get more features in releases is to make sure they are rock solid in the feature branches. With very thorough testing in place. As you have volunteered to do, UI automation tests, etc. for full coverage. I expect we'll get there in time
8:41:51 AM
dfowler 8:42:11 AM
8:42:13 AM
jeffhandley must. sleep. later all.
8:43:40 AM
dfowler later
8:43:51 AM
ahandersson good article
8:59:49 AM
8:59:52 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Anyone else around?
12:44:26 AM
darrel_miller Nope.
12:45:57 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn lol
12:46:05 AM
hey mate!
12:46:09 AM
How you pulling up post summit
12:46:16 AM
darrel_miller I'm good...
12:46:28 AM
I had a quick mosey through the Glimpse source today
12:46:39 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn oh ya?
12:47:04 AM
What you think and which parts?
12:47:12 AM
darrel_miller Am I correct in assuming that to support a self host Web API there would need to be a fair amount of work...
12:47:27 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Not as much as you would think
12:47:58 AM
darrel_miller Need to replace the HttpHandler with a message handler, seems like the first step
12:48:06 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn let me dig something up
12:48:08 AM
12:48:11 AM
and the httpmodule
12:48:16 AM
darrel_miller Right. I saw that in the Glimpse.ASPNet project
12:48:41 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Yep
12:49:08 AM
12:49:12 AM
darrel_miller We would need to find a replacement for HttpContext....
12:50:19 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn yep
12:50:27 AM
Hence why there is the abstraction that I mention in that document
12:50:41 AM
darrel_miller and then dump that into Request.Properties.
12:50:43 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn yep
12:50:52 AM
darrel_miller Cool, that gives me some other stuff to dig around in. thanks.
12:52:04 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn In my mind, when starting with WebAPI you would create a project called Glimpse.WebAPI
12:52:24 AM
This project would be the equivalent to Glimpse.AspNet
12:52:43 AM
darrel_miller Right.
12:53:04 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn You would then build out the replacements for HttpModule and Httphandler
12:53:18 AM
We dont tell you what or what not to do there
12:53:30 AM
As long as you call us we are good
12:53:43 AM
As you work to fill that out (which I don't think will be that hard) you will note that you have to provide some context objects (as described)
12:54:29 AM
All the heavy lifting is done my core
12:54:53 AM
So you just need to provide some wrappers/proxies
12:55:09 AM
... between webapi and glimpse
12:55:20 AM
darrel_miller It's pretty impressive that core has no dependency on system.web
12:55:25 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Tell me about it
12:55:53 AM
took a bit of work
12:55:58 AM
Mainly @nikmd23 for that
12:56:04 AM
With that document, I wouldn't be surprised if someone who knows webapi could stand up the base work in a night or two
12:56:50 AM
darrel_miller I can see what you are doing there...
12:57:14 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Nik and my problem is we haven't done all that much with WebAPI, so we have the coming-up-to-speed tax
12:57:18 AM
Also we are here to help
12:57:45 AM
darrel_miller For me, I think glimpse is one of those tools I need to use before I learn why I can't live without it. Having not had anything like it, it's not immediately obvious where it will help me.
12:59:44 AM
But my gut tells me it will
12:59:54 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn will what? Take more time?
1:00:35 AM
You could give us a head start and I'd shout you a drink
1:01:33 AM
darrel_miller my gut tells me it will be one of those tools that I will be could become dependent on.
1:02:47 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn arr
1:03:09 AM
well let us know how you go and what we can do to help
1:03:26 AM
darrel_miller I will.
1:03:38 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn What part of Canada you in?
1:03:46 AM
darrel_miller Montreal
1:10:01 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Cool beans
1:15:04 AM
nikmd23 hey guys
1:15:13 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Did I miss anything @nikmd23?
1:15:18 AM
nikmd23 You feeling better @darrel_miller?
1:15:40 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Ya I forgot to ask
1:16:04 AM
darrel_miller I am. Good to be home
1:16:12 AM
nikmd23 Good I'm glad to hear it
1:18:14 AM
hexter @anthony.vanderhoorn hey.. sorry just got some time available
5:10:20 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Hey mate
5:29:34 AM
How you going?
5:29:41 AM
hexter hey.. just getting ready to log off for the night
5:29:49 AM
hows it going with you .
5:29:58 AM
you back home?
5:30:00 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn np I had nothing specific
5:30:01 AM
5:30:04 AM
5:30:08 AM
very happy to be home
5:30:14 AM
What about you?
5:30:18 AM
hexter going well.
5:30:57 AM
got a promotion last night.. too bad it did not come with more $
5:31:13 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn WOW
5:31:42 AM
5:31:44 AM
hexter thanks.
5:31:46 AM
5:32:15 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn yep
5:32:39 AM
hexter so, i think i owe Nick a
5:32:43 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn lol I'll tell him that
5:33:23 AM
hexter ok .. so javier got me excited about using octopus deploy
5:35:55 AM
its awesome.. and now i am even more in on making testswarm awesome
5:36:12 AM
its that last piece of the developer ecosystem
5:36:27 AM
5:36:47 AM
5:36:54 AM
pretty cool stuff
5:36:59 AM
hexter I have a few more commits to finish up the current master of testswarm, then I can just go into a stablization phase with it
5:38:45 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn That would be really cool
5:39:12 AM
We are going to deploy into azure with it
5:39:21 AM
hexter do you guys have a ci deployment now?
5:40:09 AM
and some sort of test harness ?
5:40:16 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn yep but not for the client
5:40:28 AM
we are using teamcity codebetter
5:40:45 AM
hexter and just some powershell to deploy.. or do you webhook into azure?
5:41:14 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn So that could probably trigger whatever we need in testswarem
5:41:27 AM
5:41:30 AM
hexter ok.. it just needs to get a webhook after the deployment is complete
5:41:47 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I would have thought so
5:42:01 AM
hexter so, what will be the best way to help you adopt..
5:42:34 AM
start collecting install instructions on a
readme.md ?
5:42:52 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn ummm I think helping us deploy and then wired up
5:43:11 AM
I think those are the main points I can think of
5:43:23 AM
hexter the wire up is pretty easy if you write your tests in a mvc app
5:44:26 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I would be nice if it just works as a azure website
5:44:28 AM
hexter i have a nuget that sets up the test runner
5:44:36 AM
i think you would tweak it to just include qunit.. since my runner uses the funcunit code
5:45:18 AM
that would just be a small modification of the js files to exclude the funcunit js
5:45:43 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn makes sense
5:45:47 AM
I might even use funcunit for some functional tests
5:46:30 AM
dfowler oss my ass
7:57:48 AM
7:57:48 AM
gblock Nihao
7:58:31 AM
TheCodeJunkie So, a major thing is Microsoft is (on a broader scale) not working WITH the OSS community. I'm pretty sure that my views are shared quite across a whole bunch of "top oss" projects
7:58:33 AM
dfowler yea that would be cool
7:58:51 AM
TheCodeJunkie MS is very eager to bring "community experts" into their realm when they build products
7:58:54 AM
gblock What does working with the community mean?
7:58:57 AM
dfowler but to promote nancy over webapi
7:58:58 AM
7:58:59 AM
7:59:01 AM
7:59:05 AM
TheCodeJunkie but it's not communicating anywhere near as well in the other direction
7:59:08 AM
dfowler but to put it in top oss projects seems ok
7:59:12 AM
gblock It doesn't have to be ovef
7:59:19 AM
7:59:23 AM
It can be a long side
7:59:33 AM
There are things we can do definitely
7:59:49 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I think there is a lot to be learnt from other communities
7:59:51 AM
TheCodeJunkie for instance
7:59:55 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn that said, I think .net hasn't evolved the same way
8:00:06 AM
gblock I am not suggesting we should simply keep things status quo
8:00:06 AM
TheCodeJunkie MS has reps from all the major oss web frameworks in both the web api and katana advisory boards
8:00:16 AM
gblock Yes and
8:00:28 AM
TheCodeJunkie they are tapping into the "community experts" because there is value in it
8:00:39 AM
but the door doesn't swing the other way
8:00:45 AM
that value was generated out of something
8:00:49 AM
gblock In what sense?
8:00:57 AM
TheCodeJunkie well, take webapi
8:01:15 AM
philliphaydon.com in the sense that MS takes takes takes but never gives back
8:01:19 AM
gblock Which existed before Nancy
8:01:28 AM
TheCodeJunkie they never once mentioend any alternatives
8:01:29 AM
philliphaydon.com they take knowledge and implement it and promote their own thing, and everything else dies
8:01:32 AM
hardwork in the community becomes lost
8:01:37 AM
gblock That is BS
8:01:37 AM
dfowler ol
8:01:40 AM
8:01:41 AM
gblock I drove that effort
8:01:44 AM
dfowler wine wine wine
8:01:45 AM
TheCodeJunkie @dfowler you kind always does this
8:01:54 AM
dfowler everything else dies
8:01:55 AM
gblock That is such a victim statement
8:01:55 AM
dfowler god
8:01:56 AM
8:02:00 AM
TheCodeJunkie which is why your not really representative in this discussion
8:02:08 AM
dfowler totally
8:02:15 AM
TheCodeJunkie people from the oss community have concerns
8:02:15 AM
dfowler still
8:02:16 AM
TheCodeJunkie and when they're brought up
8:02:20 AM
you discard it was winers
8:02:24 AM
gblock We were didn't promote them, but always acknowledged them
8:02:28 AM
dfowler the complaints kill me
8:02:28 AM
8:02:31 AM
gblock Hold on
8:02:36 AM
TheCodeJunkie i'd rather just not have you in this disussion
8:02:38 AM
dfowler lol
8:02:39 AM
TheCodeJunkie to be fair
8:02:40 AM
because you add zero value
8:02:49 AM
gblock We were always recognizing other efforts for web api
8:03:02 AM
TheCodeJunkie and with that.. I'll go work on the next PR in line
8:03:11 AM
8:03:12 AM
gblock Whether we promoted them is a diff story
8:03:13 AM
dfowler lol
8:03:17 AM
game over
8:03:32 AM
philliphaydon.com i've created hate
8:03:33 AM
dfowler nah
8:03:37 AM
there was always hate
8:03:41 AM
gblock It is a ht t
8:03:46 AM
dfowler it was just dormant
8:03:47 AM
gblock it is a hot topic
8:03:53 AM
dfowler if we don't do oss we're evil
8:03:57 AM
gblock Fowler I disagree
8:03:58 AM
dfowler if we do oss we kill oss
8:04:01 AM
thats fine
8:04:04 AM
I agree with me
8:04:12 AM
philliphaydon.com lol
8:04:17 AM
gblock You should
8:04:28 AM
dfowler i dunno
8:04:37 AM
how do we promote oss
8:04:43 AM
gblock But, I am saying the frustration is real
8:04:46 AM
dfowler I get it
8:04:50 AM
I'm part of this community too
8:04:58 AM
tho I'm on the other side
8:05:01 AM
the bad side
8:05:05 AM
gblock You and I both
8:05:12 AM
philliphaydon.com @dfowler you co-created SignalR, but the moment MS adopted it, nothing else can compete with that now
8:05:21 AM
SignalR is the be-all-end-all solution promoted by MS and adobted by MS
8:05:34 AM
dfowler i hope so
8:05:52 AM
and it's the thing most people will use
8:06:12 AM
but there's a cost to something being end all be all
8:06:18 AM
gblock Look let's just agree there are other things we can do
8:07:00 AM
dfowler regardless
8:07:00 AM
what can we do
8:07:06 AM
8:07:08 AM
sethjuarez Well, that escalated quickly....
8:07:22 AM
philliphaydon.com thats what im trying to solve, get ideas on how MS can help the community
8:07:24 AM
gblock We can feature articles on other frameworks on our .net properties
8:07:29 AM
philliphaydon.com and have the community stand tall with MS
8:07:30 AM
rather than be shadowed
8:07:34 AM
i dont have the answers, i think thats something we need to come up with together
8:07:44 AM
dfowler nuget helped
8:07:44 AM
8:07:46 AM
thats one thing we tried to do
8:07:55 AM
gblock Just like we feature other community posts on add in
8:07:56 AM
philliphaydon.com nuget helped, and at the same time VS templates crushed competition
8:07:56 AM
dfowler so yeah
8:08:00 AM
gblock add ons for web API / mvc
8:08:11 AM
philliphaydon.com VS templates artificially inflated MS picked packages
8:08:20 AM
gblock We can recognize the frameworks that the community recognizes
8:08:28 AM
philliphaydon.com and then we wonder why jQuery and EF are the most downloaded?
8:08:31 AM
Buildstarted from what i understood from jongalloway was that the numbers werne't updated for template installs
8:08:34 AM
philliphaydon.com for ages MS refused empty projects
8:08:42 AM
Buildstarted unless you count updates to the templates
8:08:44 AM
gblock 8:08:46 AM
dfowler thats an easy one
8:09:02 AM
gblock both are things I think we can do
8:09:05 AM
dfowler we can pick some projects
8:09:07 AM
philliphaydon.com @Buildstarted not from the installs but its easy to do update-package and get some downloads
8:09:07 AM
gblock That will help
8:09:11 AM
dfowler then people will want to know why
8:09:13 AM
why isn't their crappy oss project on there
8:09:18 AM
davianfowlards There was an
asp.net oss page on
asp.net that listed tons of stuff on it, nobody cared
8:09:28 AM
dfowler i mean we do stuff like
8:09:30 AM
pick the top 10 C# projects on githu
8:09:41 AM
and codeplex
8:09:48 AM
and put them on there or something
8:09:53 AM
8:10:10 AM
8:10:11 AM
he's back
8:10:13 AM
philliphaydon.com @davianfowlards ive never seen
asp.net site share any information about non-core ms web stuff
8:10:16 AM
TheCodeJunkie you're on probation
8:10:18 AM
dfowler lol
8:10:21 AM
it's all love brah
8:10:28 AM
philliphaydon.com the only time it has OSS is when its used with core MS stuff
8:10:28 AM
dfowler I Nancy
8:10:35 AM
you gotta admit tho it's getting better
8:10:47 AM
codewhisperer I <3 Nancy too!
8:10:51 AM
Buildstarted no kidding it is
8:10:54 AM
gblock As do I
8:10:55 AM
dfowler compare it to 5 years ago
8:10:56 AM
TheCodeJunkie true
8:11:04 AM
philliphaydon.com 5 years ago when it didn't exist
8:11:04 AM
8:11:05 AM
Buildstarted when i first met galloway you couldn't contribute a damn thing to ms stuff
8:11:06 AM
that was only 5 years ago
8:11:13 AM
gblock Andreas showed it to me right after he wrote it
8:11:13 AM
Buildstarted wow
8:11:14 AM
TheCodeJunkie but at this pace i'll die before we reach a fair level
8:11:14 AM
dfowler it'll never be fair
8:11:23 AM
gblock Welcome back Andreas
8:11:23 AM
dfowler just accept tha
8:11:24 AM
8:11:28 AM
but it can be better
8:11:33 AM
but fair is asking too much
8:11:39 AM
philliphaydon.com yes fowler, for ever an ass *gets picture of a donkey*
8:11:45 AM
TheCodeJunkie fair != equal though =)
8:11:49 AM
dfowler it can be more better
8:12:01 AM
8:12:02 AM
TheCodeJunkie I think fair can be reached
8:12:04 AM
dfowler but not equal or fair
8:12:06 AM
I don't
8:12:09 AM
TheCodeJunkie equality cant
8:12:11 AM
dfowler I've me these ppl
8:12:16 AM
8:12:18 AM
the ones that want ms stuff
8:12:22 AM
you have met them too
8:12:24 AM
they want to call support
8:12:29 AM
gblock Let's focus
8:12:32 AM
dfowler they want to have gurantees
8:12:35 AM
davianfowlards 8:12:38 AM
philliphaydon.com i think we can all agree that in the current state, its unfair, and it most likely will always be unfair, but we can agree that MS can atleast help and make things better
8:12:39 AM
gblock what do you think we can do?
8:12:48 AM
davianfowlards 8:12:54 AM
gblock Concretely
8:12:56 AM
philliphaydon.com @davianfowlards i noticed, it was how i found
blogengine.net when i first started blogging
8:13:12 AM
TheCodeJunkie MS supports OSS? MS is pretty much the only "major" company that doesn't support oss developers with a decent VS license
8:13:13 AM
philliphaydon.com but in terms of articles they dont exist
8:13:24 AM
and its hidden away
8:13:28 AM
TheCodeJunkie and please don't mention express because that's a bit of a licensing joke
8:13:51 AM
gblock This VS license idea keeps popping it's head every so often
8:13:53 AM
Is that really going to make the difference?
8:14:08 AM
TheCodeJunkie you can get an MVP in a year
8:14:08 AM
get MSDN license, the summit etc
8:14:16 AM
all from blogging
8:14:19 AM
philliphaydon.com what i dont understand is at the end of the day, to MS it doesnt matter if a company uses Nancy, or SS, or WebAPI, they sell VS licenses and Windows Server licenses, Azure subscriptions
8:14:35 AM
TheCodeJunkie spend years writing free software for the benifit of the entire community .. cold hand
8:14:40 AM
philliphaydon.com if they helped promote those things even if not supporting them
8:14:46 AM
MS still wins
8:14:49 AM
davianfowlards 8:15:16 AM
adamral.ph I think that's an important point
8:15:19 AM
dfowler yea but
8:15:24 AM
philliphaydon.com NO BUTS
8:15:28 AM
dfowler what about what people want to use
8:15:30 AM
philliphaydon.com you're wrong @dfowler
8:15:31 AM
gblock I personally have no issue with that
8:15:35 AM
Me anoint
8:16:03 AM
meaning it is all .net
8:16:15 AM
TheCodeJunkie "we" aren't asking for a pot of gold
8:16:28 AM
we're asking for support
8:16:29 AM
serialseb1 hey there
8:16:38 AM
dfowler so vs licenses?
8:16:38 AM
adamral.ph MS will get more from pushing the best framework for the job, rather than religously promoting it's own framework every time
8:16:39 AM
dfowler omg @serialseb1
8:16:42 AM
is that you
8:16:46 AM
serialseb1 thought i'd drop by
8:16:53 AM
8:16:56 AM
TheCodeJunkie the number 1 thing MS needs to do is help generate exposure
8:16:57 AM
gblock So let's get some tactical things
8:17:01 AM
Simon67 I don't know if its feasible, but Microsoft could donate resources to .NET OSS projects
8:17:02 AM
serialseb1 apparently i used to do OSS once upon a time
8:17:05 AM
gblock That are actionable
8:17:10 AM
dfowler @Simon67 we DO!
8:17:10 AM
msopen tech
8:17:15 AM
TheCodeJunkie exposure would at least help give the community the oppertunity to choose themselves
8:17:17 AM
dfowler works on redis
8:17:18 AM
and other stuff
8:17:21 AM
in the oss community
8:17:24 AM
TheCodeJunkie everything par exposure is just fluff and candy
8:17:38 AM
you can buy a VS license, you can't buy enough exposure
8:17:55 AM
Simon67 I don't mean OSS projects lead by MS though
8:17:57 AM
gblock Ok, so let's say we start featuring OSS fwks along with web API / MVC, will that help?
8:18:01 AM
philliphaydon.com 8:18:06 AM
dfowler @Simon67 we don't lead redis
8:18:08 AM
gblock Is that a good first step?
8:18:11 AM
philliphaydon.com @gblock any step is a good first step
8:18:30 AM
TheCodeJunkie I think OSS needs a spotlight
8:18:31 AM
not just web frameworks
8:18:35 AM
dfowler good oss
8:18:41 AM
how do we choose?
8:18:46 AM
philliphaydon.com we can't promote EVERYTHING
8:18:49 AM
TheCodeJunkie lol
8:18:49 AM
dfowler whats a good way to choose
8:18:50 AM
top N
8:18:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie well you have shitty commercial stuff as well
8:18:55 AM
philliphaydon.com let the community decide
8:18:55 AM
dfowler ?/
8:18:56 AM
8:18:59 AM
8:18:59 AM
only tthing is
8:19:03 AM
serialseb1 8:19:03 AM
dfowler how do you vote on what you don't know about
8:19:12 AM
TheCodeJunkie thing is.. you and I can't decide if something is shitty or not
8:19:13 AM
philliphaydon.com theres enough people who support lots of big and small OSS projects that we can pick stuff
8:19:21 AM
dfowler there's like 2 million devs that don't read your blogs
8:19:22 AM
TheCodeJunkie i might think something is shitty but it helps build a business for someone else
8:19:23 AM
gblock I mean OSS @thecodejunkie
8:19:30 AM
TheCodeJunkie and it's the best thing since slices bread too them
8:19:37 AM
dfowler 2000 people isn't alot
8:19:37 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn agreed on that
8:19:48 AM
TheCodeJunkie what if MS had people attend their conferences
8:19:59 AM
gblock Switching to my laptop, cannot keep up on ipad
8:20:02 AM
serialseb1 I *think* everything applies to MS as it did a year ago, at least on the .net side of things
8:20:03 AM
philliphaydon.com @dfowler the community will grow with exposure
8:20:03 AM
TheCodeJunkie start talking about OSS
8:20:07 AM
alternatives etc
8:20:09 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn we need to promote people contributing to projects and that giving back is what is needed to make the community thrive
8:20:18 AM
TheCodeJunkie it's "MS sanctioned"
8:20:18 AM
dfowler that makes sense for alot of projects that fill the gaps
8:20:31 AM
not competitors to what we build
8:20:35 AM
8:20:37 AM
TheCodeJunkie that'll definitly help build creditiblity for OSS in the .net community
8:20:37 AM
dfowler thats my opinion
8:20:48 AM
TheCodeJunkie which is pretty much every space
8:20:53 AM
philliphaydon.com theres no reason why compeditors can't compete with what MS builds
8:20:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie where there's a lot of devs
8:21:02 AM
dfowler no problem with competitors
8:21:03 AM
TheCodeJunkie "oh we need an orm.. lets build EF"
8:21:07 AM
dfowler the problem is promoting it
8:21:09 AM
philliphaydon.com look at Sinatra and Rails, they are both open source and have equal footing dispite rails being more popular
8:21:09 AM
TheCodeJunkie screw NH and the likes
8:21:12 AM
philliphaydon.com they ar eboth well known
8:21:12 AM
serialseb1 sorry i keep dropping in and out, connection here is rubbish
8:21:13 AM
dfowler if you have one
8:21:16 AM
sethjuarez Why would any for-profit company market alternatives to their own frameworks? It makes no sense...
8:21:19 AM
TheCodeJunkie that's how it's been David
8:21:22 AM
dfowler i wouldn;t
8:21:25 AM
I get the EF thing
8:21:28 AM
TheCodeJunkie MS steps in an competes in high activity areas
8:21:32 AM
serialseb1 soemthing we did with MS UK:
8:21:32 AM
TheCodeJunkie so saying its should jsut be where it fills a gap is a bit weak
8:21:46 AM
serialseb1 on the side of one of their event, we organized an OSS Fest with 4 talks back to back on the best of OSS
8:21:49 AM
TheCodeJunkie 6 months down the road MS will have "a thing" in that space
8:21:58 AM
serialseb1 Microsoft provided the room and the marketing support as part of their main event, we provided the speakers and editorial line
8:22:04 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 thats a good idea
8:22:05 AM
philliphaydon.com @sethjuarez MS makes no money from webapi or mvc, but if OSS bought in more developers making more software, thats more licenses and subcription sales for MS
8:22:15 AM
dfowler but why on earth would we tell ppl to use nancy over webapi
8:22:15 AM
8:22:28 AM
serialseb1 now that's where MS can make a difference, on the marketing. You can keep most of everything else, Id rather not support the majority of MS users, they're hell to deal with
8:22:28 AM
dfowler we invest in mvc and webapi
8:22:31 AM
codewhisperer cause Nancy is better
8:22:34 AM
TheCodeJunkie nobody is saying you should do that
8:22:34 AM
dfowler why would we suggest alternatives
8:22:37 AM
TheCodeJunkie look
8:22:37 AM
dfowler I get it
8:22:40 AM
8:22:42 AM
TheCodeJunkie either MS wants an oss comunity or it doesnt
8:22:46 AM
dfowler I'm asking an honest question
8:22:48 AM
TheCodeJunkie you can't have the cake and eat it
8:22:53 AM
dfowler dilemma
8:22:55 AM
gblock back again
8:22:56 AM
serialseb1 dfowler you suggest laternatives because everyone wins when you show alternatives
8:22:56 AM
8:22:56 AM
gblock only faster
8:23:00 AM
serialseb1 problem is, it's not web api vs nancy
8:23:02 AM
TheCodeJunkie if you compete all over the place and you don't want to help promote
8:23:05 AM
philliphaydon.com more and more good developers are leaving .NET because of MS killing OSS
8:23:06 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 showing alternatives in a different forum
8:23:08 AM
Buildstarted promote the ecosystem not the frameworks? you don't get money for webapi right @dfowler?
8:23:09 AM
serialseb1 its "as well" for most companies
8:23:10 AM
TheCodeJunkie then the community is effectivly a still born
8:23:16 AM
gblock so here's my perspective
8:23:16 AM
philliphaydon.com every year i see more devs moving to Ruby and other more open communities
8:23:16 AM
dfowler @Buildstarted its not about money
8:23:19 AM
gblock OSS is good for .NET and critical
8:23:21 AM
dfowler we invest
8:23:25 AM
Buildstarted you get exposure for your tools, but you get the same with nancy
8:23:29 AM
gblock and ultimately people make their choices
8:23:30 AM
sethjuarez @
phillyphaydon.com they sell VS. So any in house framework will have VS extensibility built in....
8:23:32 AM
serialseb1 two more reasons: MS yields great power and should give back to the community for what it often takes without asking.
8:23:34 AM
TheCodeJunkie I'm working hard to get a 1 day conference of OSS frameworks going
8:23:36 AM
seb knows about it
8:23:40 AM
dfowler monkey space
8:23:41 AM
gblock and I think its perfectly doable that we can feature other efforts
8:23:42 AM
dfowler is about .net oss
8:23:44 AM
you all going?
8:23:48 AM
TheCodeJunkie can't
8:23:55 AM
serialseb1 second, great devs will fuck off from the paltform if MS is competing with them all the time without giving back
8:23:57 AM
gblock invited, but probably not
8:23:58 AM
TheCodeJunkie thought it would be later int he year
8:24:02 AM
Buildstarted @dfowler url?
8:24:02 AM
TheCodeJunkie like last year
8:24:04 AM
ChadT :popcorn:
8:24:15 AM
dfowler 8:24:16 AM
gblock so anyway
8:24:17 AM
TheCodeJunkie "second, great devs will fuck off from the paltform if MS is competing with them all the time without giving back" +1
8:24:17 AM
serialseb1 it's *exactly* the same relationship as with vendors you compete against, that you have managed to find a footing for so far. No reason why OSS should be any different.
8:24:18 AM
dfowler i mean we can stop making frameworks
8:24:29 AM
gblock we can start to feature content along side our
asp.net content
8:24:34 AM
philliphaydon.com @serialseb1 that's almost true, great devs are already fucking off
8:24:36 AM
dfowler but that's not going to happen right
8:24:38 AM
so we'll always be competing
8:24:43 AM
Buildstarted damn, can't go to illinois...when is anyone going to have a conference in los angeles?
8:24:48 AM
dfowler but we need to make hte best of it
8:24:51 AM
8:24:52 AM
codewhisperer Jeff Atwood love Ruby now
8:24:54 AM
gblock there's always competition
8:25:19 AM
competition is good
8:25:24 AM
serialseb1 well if MS tries to mak the best of it that's enough for me. So far MS has done the none of it part quite well, that's what infuriated me back in the days.
8:25:25 AM
dfowler its good
8:25:28 AM
gblock it's when there's a monopoly that swallows all competition
8:25:36 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 I know brah, I did nuget
8:25:44 AM
gblock that's not healthy for the ecosystem
8:25:46 AM
serialseb1 I'll give you two quotes from two PMs from
asp.net, i won't mention names, that explain exactly the attitude im talking about:
8:25:51 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 and I know you hate me for it
8:25:53 AM
serialseb1 "We're stepping on your feet, we know, we're big, it happens"
8:26:07 AM
dfowler :|
8:26:13 AM
8:26:15 AM
serialseb1 and "We don't owe anyone anything, it's OSS"
8:26:18 AM
gblock I don't think that's a shared attitude
8:26:30 AM
TheCodeJunkie @dfowler and @gblock you both have some pull .. why not do the "advisory" thing for oss? have us over to redmon to talk about it
8:26:34 AM
clemensv there are a great number of audiences for .net; the audience we (MS) make money off is largely the Enterprise. Very many of those, and that tends to coincide with the biggest payers, will not touch unsupported frameworks with a 30 foot pole.
8:26:36 AM
serialseb1 now now david, I had reasons to resent part of the nuget process for reasons that you probably never were told about and have nothing to do with building nuget or not.
8:26:51 AM
adamral.ph @dfowler "why would we suggest alternatives" e.g. if MS write an article showing how to achieve something more easily with web framework X rather than web API, won't MS benefit more from this? it will improve the eco system more and hence, use of the MS revenue generators (VS, OS, etc.)
8:27:09 AM
serialseb1 plus, hate is a big word, I tend to own exclusive rights on
drama.net 8:27:11 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie it's just a matter of finding time
8:27:12 AM
TheCodeJunkie @gblock august is good for me
8:27:32 AM
gblock 8:27:43 AM
dfowler @
adamral.ph sure it benefits MS but MS is a huge company and if the framework is generally better we might even decide to de emphasize what we have
8:27:52 AM
adamral.ph sure, don't have to, but could
8:27:52 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph the community can and we can feature it
8:27:56 AM
adamral.ph that's fair
8:28:03 AM
dfowler case in point mstest
8:28:05 AM
and xunit
8:28:08 AM
TheCodeJunkie xunit isnt oss
8:28:15 AM
ChadT ?
8:28:19 AM
TheCodeJunkie please dont claim that
8:28:20 AM
8:28:25 AM
dfowler community
8:28:28 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler let's leave nuget aside it's not relevant. If you want to talk about that and clear the air gimme a phone call we can chat. I don't hate you.
8:28:32 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph I don't think MS writing it is the issue.
8:28:33 AM
dfowler yay
8:28:39 AM
TheCodeJunkie listen
8:28:41 AM
adamral.ph sure, that wasn't my point
8:28:43 AM
but promoting it
8:28:47 AM
TheCodeJunkie I'm not saying tell people to us X over MS Y
8:28:50 AM
I'm saying people are smart enough to make that call on their own
8:29:03 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph "promote" can be interpereted differently
8:29:06 AM
serialseb1 I think a simple "DId you know you can also run X on .net, isnt the ecosystem brilliant?"
8:29:08 AM
TheCodeJunkie but they need to know about X and Z to pick the best one for their needs
8:29:13 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph do I think all our evangelists will suddenly promote Nancy?
8:29:17 AM
serialseb1 I mean msdn mag was having those columns, do they still run?
8:29:18 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 they do
8:29:25 AM
adamral.ph @gblock ok, 'feature' not promote
8:29:28 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph probably doubtful, though some might and probably do today.
8:29:29 AM
dfowler and reach a huge auidence
8:29:31 AM
philliphaydon.com even if MS promotes us, people will still pick a 'safe' option of MS, but atleast we have more exposure to those who haven't heard of us
8:29:31 AM
gblock 8:29:35 AM
adamral.ph cool
8:29:42 AM
dfowler 8:29:42 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph and I am pushing on making this happen
8:29:43 AM
dfowler 8:29:51 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph hanselman has always been a fan of featuring
8:29:54 AM
dfowler what @clemensv said is very true
8:30:00 AM
gblock 8:30:03 AM
clemensv where is the 24/7 on-call support, guys?
8:30:04 AM
TheCodeJunkie @gblock to be honest .. too small and too targeted audience
8:30:17 AM
serialseb1 I think it's a question of collaboration. If I'm invited to collaborate on what MS does, know about it in advance, I can pilot my own OSS projects much more efectively. And I can be friendly with the team. THat's invaluable.
8:30:17 AM
philliphaydon.com @clemensv not even MS has that
8:30:19 AM
adamral.ph @gblock that's great to hear that you'r pushing it and yes, hanselman does indeed, good to know you want to take things further
8:30:28 AM
TheCodeJunkie ppl that listen to hanselminutes already dabble in the black arts of non-MS stuff
8:30:29 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph as to organizations and OSS yes there are many that are allergic
8:30:32 AM
clemensv yes. I am on call this very moment
8:30:33 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 we kinda did that with webapi and now the katana stuff
8:30:37 AM
TheCodeJunkie Nancy's been on all the major .net podcasts, sometimes twice..
8:30:43 AM
gblock But that is also changing
8:30:44 AM
clemensv all 8 world wide DCs for service bus and the server
8:30:50 AM
gblock I know of many orgs, take Turner for instance
8:30:53 AM
dfowler I mean if you look at katana, it's all being driven by .NET OSS web frameworks
8:30:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie I could still walk up to 100pp att öredev and get a "huh?" =)
8:30:58 AM
adamral.ph @gblock an MS feature would certainly help persuasion of certain IT manager
8:31:00 AM
gblock that are very open now to using OSS, and are ok with lack of support
8:31:05 AM
dfowler otherwise we'd end up with another
ASP.NET 8:31:11 AM
gblock they are using node, it basically goes with the territory
8:31:13 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler yes, and the aspinsiders stuff. I have no complain on that part. How do you scale from "this nagging serialseb" to "the community of OSS developers that build on our platform"
8:31:17 AM
gblock but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of our stakeholders are probably NOT in that place
8:31:30 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 I blame @gblock for the advisors program
8:31:32 AM
wish it was just open
8:31:37 AM
whats the point of insiders when you have oss
8:31:47 AM
clemensv turner doesn't count - that's donwb
8:31:50 AM
gblock @dfowler advisors != OSS or NOT
8:31:58 AM
dfowler yea its crap
8:32:02 AM
8:32:03 AM
8:32:04 AM
gblock @dfowler you understand it wrong
8:32:05 AM
8:32:07 AM
we shud get some signalr advisors
8:32:13 AM
gblock @dfowler it's about having a focused conversation, not about secrecy
8:32:20 AM
serialseb1 I think it's important to understand that people are obviously feeling a pinch and are upset by previous behaviours, so until this is understood and accepted by MS, it's hard to move forward. Again, I'm not taking my case as an example as I have priviledged access to a lot of stuff, but it hasn't been because I was nice, nor has it been getting me a lot of love from the guys in redmond.
8:32:22 AM
dfowler i see
8:32:23 AM
you can't do that on the forum
8:32:31 AM
8:32:32 AM
like how nuget does
8:32:38 AM
TheCodeJunkie lol no
8:32:39 AM
gblock @dfowler if it is completely open you have a very high signal to noise ratio can can't get anything done
8:32:43 AM
dfowler lol
8:32:43 AM
not my experience
8:32:53 AM
gblock @dfowler having a forum is orthagonal
8:32:54 AM
dfowler but sure
8:32:55 AM
does node have advisors?
8:33:04 AM
TheCodeJunkie lets move the advisory programs to the
asp.net forums
8:33:05 AM
8:33:06 AM
gblock @dfowler we have node advisors and we have node github, they both server a purpose
8:33:07 AM
dsplaisted How is xunit not OSS?
8:33:08 AM
gblock @dfowler that doesn't change having focused conversations
8:33:16 AM
@dfowler the point is that projects that have had advisory boards end up more relevant
8:33:58 AM
dfowler uhhh
8:34:47 AM
I disagre
8:34:49 AM
8:34:51 AM
gblock @dfowler that's fine
8:34:53 AM
dfowler to each his own
8:34:54 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler most OSS projects have backchannels of backbone communication between a small pack of devs, be it email, phone or conferences
8:34:57 AM
dfowler if it worked for those projects tht good
8:35:00 AM
signalr won't have any
8:35:07 AM
if I can help it
8:35:10 AM
8:35:13 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler you'll find far and few projects that are singlehandedly decided and designed by committee or without any help
8:35:15 AM
TheCodeJunkie there's no competition to invite to a signalr advisory board
8:35:25 AM
dfowler i hope not
8:35:32 AM
8:35:33 AM
gblock @dfowler I am sorry you hate them, but you are entitled
8:35:40 AM
8:35:41 AM
dfowler yeah
8:35:54 AM
gblock @dfowler I have ran about 5 of them all of which showed tremendous value
8:35:56 AM
dfowler lol
8:35:57 AM
gblock @dfowler which is why I keep doing them
8:36:03 AM
TheCodeJunkie david hates kittens too
8:36:09 AM
dfowler oh man
8:36:12 AM
I do
8:36:13 AM
TheCodeJunkie we can't trust his judgments
8:36:14 AM
gblock @dfowler but doing them is orthagonal to being transparent and OSS
8:36:16 AM
dfowler we sorta
8:36:23 AM
8:36:29 AM
philliphaydon.com how can you hate kittens
8:36:41 AM
TheCodeJunkie thought
8:36:41 AM
dfowler just compare .net oss to "pick a framework"
8:36:42 AM
philliphaydon.com they are so cute
8:36:43 AM
gblock @dfowler crowd sourcing has pros and cons
8:36:46 AM
TheCodeJunkie Gu wearing a Nancy t-shirt ont he next //BUILD keynote?
8:36:52 AM
dfowler doesn't have to be crowd sourcing
8:36:55 AM
look at this room
8:36:58 AM
TheCodeJunkie I'll print a read polo
8:36:59 AM
dfowler and look at who is typing
8:37:02 AM
philliphaydon.com Gu doing all his demos with Nancy!
8:37:12 AM
gblock @dfowler yeah and spent tons of time processing signal over noise
8:37:22 AM
TheCodeJunkie 8:37:24 AM
philliphaydon.com haha
8:37:29 AM
dfowler @gblock false
8:37:30 AM
gblock @dfowler why do we even have this chat room then? Why don't we just be in one room?
8:37:38 AM
dfowler @gblock see: nuget discussions
8:37:41 AM
cuz Twitter is stupid
8:37:44 AM
for conversations
8:37:47 AM
gblock @dfowler why do you have private rooms in SignalR again?
8:37:48 AM
TheCodeJunkie @gblock I told you.. invite us over
8:37:54 AM
I'd love to have a face to face =D
8:37:59 AM
philliphaydon.com i would love to have a bar fight with fowler
8:38:12 AM
dfowler @gblock you mean jabbr
8:38:14 AM
TheCodeJunkie I'll do a transatlantic flight with Seb.. no worries =D
8:38:17 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler different groups tend to have different skillsets, perspectives and bandwidth
8:38:18 AM
gblock @dfowler jabbr yes
8:38:21 AM
8:38:24 AM
gblock @dfowler anyway, we can stop debating this
8:38:32 AM
dfowler yes thats why we have insiders
8:38:46 AM
serialseb1 we tend to have small invite-only ReST sympnosiums with some of the experts in the domain to reduce the discussions about basics and fundamentals for a few days so we can move together forward
8:38:49 AM
dfowler to get early feedback
8:38:49 AM
gblock @dfowler you can continue to hate them, and I'll continue using them if both the community and the product find the helpful
8:38:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie insiders != advisory board
8:38:58 AM
gblock insiders and advisors are dfiferent
8:39:01 AM
dfowler yea yea
8:39:03 AM
TheCodeJunkie =D
8:39:06 AM
dfowler different
8:39:07 AM
bla bal
8:39:07 AM
serialseb1 that doesnt remove the value of open conversations we have with all skillsets on the side
8:39:08 AM
dfowler lol
8:39:09 AM
8:39:12 AM
8:39:14 AM
WilliamBZA im not sure why so many people seem to think promoting oss frameworks is MS's job.
8:39:18 AM
dfowler ooooo
8:39:23 AM
TheCodeJunkie fine.. invite us over for a talk and we'll live stream it
8:39:31 AM
8:39:33 AM
philliphaydon.com @WilliamBZA its not about making it their job
8:39:38 AM
TheCodeJunkie Hanselman will narrate and take twitter questions
8:39:43 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 but I don't see why you need to pick people, the ones that are interested just happen to form the committee
8:39:54 AM
WilliamBZA @dfowler +
8:40:06 AM
8:40:08 AM
philliphaydon.com if you look at java they dont have a set in stone framework, theres many frameworks, and any new framework has a chance to become popular
8:40:09 AM
but in the MS world we dont have that
8:40:15 AM
its MS or nothing
8:40:18 AM
dfowler we need to erase ms
8:40:21 AM
WilliamBZA different userbase
8:40:23 AM
gblock yeah and Java had the JCP, let's not repeat that
8:40:24 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler in certain domains popularity contests in the wide open don't open up the experts on a subject
8:40:25 AM
philliphaydon.com java is an example
8:40:34 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 don't experts gravitate towards the subject tho
8:40:41 AM
philliphaydon.com but you got PHP, Ruby and many more
8:40:46 AM
dfowler katana for e.g.
8:40:49 AM
WilliamBZA all the other platforms target different types of devs. that's just how it is
8:40:57 AM
dfowler look how much churn owin went through
8:41:02 AM
philliphaydon.com and i think OSS helps MS overall, and think MS should help us
8:41:02 AM
gblock @dfowler katana has advisors. I guess you hate those?
8:41:04 AM
dfowler duh
8:41:08 AM
8:41:09 AM
of course I do
8:41:12 AM
and the call
8:41:14 AM
I think I'll join
8:41:17 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler it depends. I'm an expert in rest and i very seldomly read the webapi board these days, the level of conversation has gravitated towards concerns that are either trivial or require of me way too much time to counter
8:41:19 AM
dfowler in the next call
8:41:20 AM
WilliamBZA some platforms are more favoured by those kind of devs who look at other frameworks
8:41:25 AM
philliphaydon.com I think @dfowler hates anyone who isnt his wife
8:41:35 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 right so its not useful sometimes
8:41:39 AM
WilliamBZA just the same as some platforms encourage more code security than others
8:41:43 AM
gblock @dfowler I am glad we've moved clear off MS and OSS to advisory boards!
8:41:51 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler and as i'm not paid for any of this free, pro bono support work i do for MS, I tend to provide contributions where they're going to have the most impact with the least amount possible fo work
8:41:51 AM
gblock keep it going!
8:41:53 AM
8:42:01 AM
TheCodeJunkie looping back
8:42:15 AM
8:42:18 AM
philliphaydon.com @WilliamBZA if MS helps promote OSS, MS platforms will still be leagues ahead of the OSS community, but atleast we get more exposure
8:42:20 AM
serialseb1 @dfowler they don't right now for my domain of expertise, they certainly did at the beginning. Things change, people change and what is good for web api now is not something i find relevant to my domain anymore.
8:42:21 AM
TheCodeJunkie that's the race horse I would bet on
8:42:29 AM
gblock @serialseb1 be as it may that advisory boards are evil, your involvement was very appreciated
8:42:30 AM
dsplaisted Is more exposure to alternative OSS projects really the root of the problem? Isn't the root of the problem that most .NET devs don't "do" open source, ie they don't produce, contribute, OR consume it?
8:42:41 AM
gblock @dsplaisted it's a chicken and egg problem
8:42:57 AM
WilliamBZA @dsplaisted yes yes yes, at least, i think thats it
8:42:58 AM
dfowler yea
8:42:59 AM
8:43:00 AM
TheCodeJunkie I'm trying to do a 1 day conf with the major .net oss web frameworks
8:43:04 AM
dfowler but they feed each other
8:43:06 AM
TheCodeJunkie looks like we might hit 2 cities in scandinavia
8:43:15 AM
dfowler @TheCodeJunkie can signalr come?
8:43:18 AM
gblock @dsplaisted For example, Microsoft's adoption / promotion of jQuery made jQuery OK for many orgs
8:43:23 AM
serialseb1 to respond to will earlier: MS ought to get involved because we promote their platform, we provide time to help them design some of their stuff, and sometimes it'd be nice if the door went both ways for more people.
8:43:23 AM
TheCodeJunkie MS sponsor a US tour?
8:43:24 AM
gblock @serialseb1 I agree that MS should care and that OSS has an important impact to the success of the .NET ecosystem
8:44:00 AM
@serialseb1 which is why I am here in this convo in the first place
8:44:14 AM
@serialseb1 aside from the chance to shoot the shit with all my buddies
8:44:29 AM
anyway, I think there are some things positive that can come out of this
8:44:54 AM
will it change the world, maybe not, but it will be more steps
8:45:01 AM
serialseb1 I personally think the company is in a better position than it used to be, less arrogant and self-centred, but there is still a lot of work to do before we get to a heterogenous marketplace where MS can compete *and* support / co-market at the same time.
8:45:07 AM
gblock @serialseb1 agreed
8:45:21 AM
@serialseb1 The other side is there's a large portion of the .NET eco that does not care
8:45:50 AM
serialseb1 in closing, the katana work i've dropped the ball on but i was a bit busy with other things. I will have a look soon though.
8:45:55 AM
gblock @serialseb1 for a number of reasons
8:45:58 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 it's awesome
8:46:04 AM
TheCodeJunkie katana is shaping up nice
8:46:10 AM
gblock @dfowler advisory board and all
8:46:14 AM
TheCodeJunkie still say MS has yet to prove itself there though
8:46:20 AM
8:46:21 AM
8:46:28 AM
dsplaisted I really like the idea of an "OSS day" or something at Microsoft conferences... that helps solve both the chicken and the egg I think
8:46:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie and wont be able too until it's picked up pace for them
8:46:29 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie it's early right?
8:46:32 AM
@TheCodeJunkie but you never get there unless you first get there
8:46:40 AM
TheCodeJunkie that's when we'll see if it will be "forked" or not
8:46:41 AM
8:46:45 AM
serialseb1 @gblock well to be fair, I'm happy MS taking care of the 90% long tail, those users are horrible to support.
8:46:46 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie or are you implying more?
8:46:47 AM
WilliamBZA so how does outercurve fit into this discussion?
8:46:49 AM
TheCodeJunkie not what I am saying
8:46:54 AM
dfowler it doesnt
8:46:54 AM
gblock @serialseb1 lol!
8:46:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie right now Katana is implementing the OWIN spec
8:47:05 AM
dfowler yup
8:47:29 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie yes, which has finally settled to a more sane place
8:47:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie but until it's been proven that MS business needs won't take precedence in a v2 I'm not convinced
8:47:33 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie that one could actually um write a chapter about
8:47:38 AM
dfowler heh
8:47:48 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie V2 of Katana you mean?
8:48:00 AM
serialseb1 by the way guys, the owin name, branding and domain names are still my property. If it's gonna be settlign on that name that's something we ought to sort out.
8:48:00 AM
TheCodeJunkie yes
8:48:03 AM
gblock @serialseb1 you did name it, I remember
8:48:15 AM
8:48:20 AM
gblock @serialseb1 the archives are there
8:48:21 AM
TheCodeJunkie lets talk about katana in 2 years
8:48:21 AM
shifty @dsplaisted anglebrackets was having some focus on OSS. will be interesting to see what's involved and what comes out of it
8:48:24 AM
serialseb1 just cause its OSS doesn't mean copyright issues are waived without licenses
8:48:29 AM
dfowler it'll be system.web v2
8:48:30 AM
TheCodeJunkie and see if it's still driven by the OWIN spec or if MS made it theirs
8:48:38 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie I pressed a few buttons of yours tonight...hopefully no harm done
8:48:42 AM
TheCodeJunkie Im like a switch board
8:48:55 AM
dfowler lol
8:48:59 AM
TheCodeJunkie many buttens =D
8:49:01 AM
dsplaisted @shifty anglebrackets sounds good but I think that's just Hanselman and friends, nothing officially MSFT...
8:49:01 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie As am I
8:49:02 AM
TheCodeJunkie buttons
8:49:03 AM
dfowler the thing is
8:49:13 AM
shifty @dsplaisted it's a start
8:49:16 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie I do think Nancy is awesome
8:49:18 AM
dfowler msft as bad as it is
8:49:19 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie and not just saying that....super elegant
8:49:28 AM
dfowler we can dedicate full time resources to stuff
8:49:28 AM
TheCodeJunkie Angelbrackets is non-MS yes
8:49:29 AM
dfowler so take the owin spec for example
8:49:34 AM
we drove it to completion
8:49:39 AM
because we chose to take a bet on it
8:49:44 AM
that's one thing we;re good at
8:49:49 AM
serialseb1 dfowler it's also your guys that drove it to the grave a couple of times.
8:49:50 AM
dfowler throwing people at stuff
8:49:53 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I think there are many different players here and Nancy isn't the only one affected... multiple frameworks/tools are and its a complex ecosystem
8:49:53 AM
mikegeyser In the OSS heavy communities, such as Ruby and Python, there isn't anyone who's responsible for promoting the frameworks. There's no obligation. It's survival of the fittest. And the community is responsible for making sure that the wheat is separated from the chaff. MS provides an excellent (and improving month-on-month) ecosystem for OSS, but if they took a more active involvement in pushing certain community projects, wouldn't that be a bigger problem? Why push Nancy and not Monorail? Why push petapoco and not subsonic? I honestly don't think that's appropriate for them to do..
8:49:58 AM
TheCodeJunkie u could've driven it to completion in other ways though =D
8:49:59 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 well not Msft, louis
8:50:01 AM
gblock @dfowler fair point
8:50:01 AM
dfowler lol
8:50:01 AM
gblock @dfowler rigth
8:50:06 AM
dfowler but
8:50:11 AM
TheCodeJunkie here's a though
8:50:17 AM
dfowler we freaking throw people at problems
8:50:18 AM
and things come out
8:50:20 AM
TheCodeJunkie MS pays me for a month to write Nancy documentation =D
8:50:29 AM
gblock @dfowler well there was not just one person
8:50:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie full time
8:50:31 AM
gblock @dfowler it needed some more focus
8:50:32 AM
dfowler full time
8:50:34 AM
8:50:36 AM
serialseb1 well I don't do name calling anymore, been told it's bad for karma. I agree that MS resources can help. How those are used in combination with the community is an area of interesting research I'd think.
8:50:38 AM
TheCodeJunkie man, those docs would rock =D
8:50:40 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie let me know how that goes
8:50:41 AM
clemensv what @mikegeyser says
8:50:58 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie BTW, are you going to start featuring web api articles on
nancyfx.org? #ducks
8:51:00 AM
8:51:08 AM
serialseb1 I'd like to see the ISV buddy program back but for OSS
8:51:18 AM
dfowler I think the best thing to do
8:51:21 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn The question is @thecodejunkue why you as opposed to any other oss tool
8:51:25 AM
dfowler is to give oss a stage
8:51:29 AM
and not promote shit
8:51:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie ?
8:51:38 AM
dfowler that way we don;t have to pick anything
8:51:40 AM
gblock @dfowler I think feature vs promote
8:51:46 AM
TheCodeJunkie @anthony.vanderhoorn who said I'm poosed to any other oss tool?
8:51:47 AM
serialseb1 you get one guy that is assigned to help you out on your OSS project (for projects that have reached a certain size) and try and find who to talk to, solve issues and navigate the MS internals. And sometimes do the language conversion.
8:51:50 AM
dfowler feature exactly
8:51:51 AM
gblock @dfowler I don't think we will "promote"
8:52:00 AM
dfowler right
8:52:03 AM
so we may as well get real
8:52:09 AM
gblock @dfowler just like I don't expect Nancy to promote
8:52:10 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @thecodejunkie MS pays me for a month to write Nancy documentation =D
8:52:14 AM
clemensv I am just talking to 5+ System Integrators about a brand new OSS effort around annoying middleware plumbing and they're all excited
8:52:20 AM
TheCodeJunkie for gods sake, I'm organising a conference where I've invited the creators of Fuby, OpenRasta, Simple.Web and ServiceStack =)
8:52:21 AM
gblock @dfowler we can feature, we can recognize
8:52:24 AM
clemensv the goal is not for us to run it
8:52:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie fubu*
8:52:29 AM
clemensv but to initiate it
8:52:34 AM
dfowler wtf is fuby
8:52:35 AM
8:52:36 AM
8:52:38 AM
gblock fuby lol
8:52:49 AM
TheCodeJunkie Fuby is ruby version of Fubu
8:52:52 AM
dfowler bhahahhahahahahaha
8:52:56 AM
philliphaydon.com 8:53:10 AM
clemensv I'm sure that's taken
8:53:14 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie so you'd choose Fuby over Fubu? #sacrelidge
8:53:17 AM
dfowler lol
8:53:17 AM
serialseb1 The best is to come though: FuBj, the javascript edition
8:53:20 AM
gblock Fujs
8:53:28 AM
dfowler lol
8:53:29 AM
kcstreet add an OSS show on channel9?
8:53:38 AM
dfowler ooo
8:53:50 AM
TheCodeJunkie yes
8:53:56 AM
8:53:57 AM
and yes
8:53:58 AM
Buildstarted i like that idea
8:54:02 AM
gblock that's an interesting idea
8:54:04 AM
dfowler clicked the like button
8:54:07 AM
bryan yes
8:54:07 AM
dfowler @gblock send email
8:54:12 AM
8:54:12 AM
8:54:13 AM
TheCodeJunkie and host //OSS
8:54:14 AM
8:54:14 AM
kcstreet sweet
8:54:17 AM
8:54:19 AM
molokai @clemensv AH! So you ARE going to take over NServicebus!
8:54:19 AM
gblock @dfowler will do that now
8:54:20 AM
dfowler I'll let you know if @gblock actually sends email
8:54:32 AM
TheCodeJunkie lol
8:54:36 AM
@gblock cc @dfowler as proof
8:54:45 AM
dfowler ye
8:54:51 AM
clemensv @molokai - nservicebus is a commercial product and dedicedly not OSS
8:54:52 AM
dfowler I'm waiting brah
8:54:55 AM
gblock @dfowler sending mail is not a problem for me
8:54:56 AM
WilliamBZA since MS is good at throwing people at problems: throw people at the cloning machine problem, clone 25 hanselmans, and get them all to keep featuring OSS projects
8:54:57 AM
gblock @dfowler it's too much mail
8:55:02 AM
serialseb1 may I also suggest opening contact channels with OSS people. Especially if team members borderline insult them in team meetings in redmond. Prevent escalation of tension due to no communication channel being opened?
8:55:03 AM
shifty minor gripe: don't call it "OSS day" - call it "community day"
8:55:13 AM
dfowler @gblock stop wasting time write the email
8:55:15 AM
8:55:16 AM
shifty let's foster interactions
8:55:20 AM
molokai @clemensv True.... but it is about time MS did come up with some middleware in that space
8:55:26 AM
shifty and stop playing us-versus-them
8:55:29 AM
bryan when someone mentioned stage instead of promote basically means some avenue where OSS can push stuff to rather than someone "collecting" projects to promote? leaves responsibility in oss projects hands?
8:55:30 AM
TheCodeJunkie brb
8:55:35 AM
clemensv @molokai - it's also not in the crosshairs
8:55:41 AM
serialseb1 I'm happy to chat on the phone on community involvement for OSS and MS, I organized a lot of those activities with MS UK when they had a budget
8:56:00 AM
molokai I guess I will just have to wait and see what you and those 5 come up with
8:56:04 AM
clemensv @molokai - there is a huge gaping hole between the platform features and $2K/.core BizTalk
8:56:15 AM
serialseb1 and happy taking this up where we left it off if corp is doing some of that too
8:56:19 AM
well the offer is there, happy to help, most of the people involved have my number or Skype, use it.
8:57:15 AM
gblock sent
8:57:15 AM
molokai @clemensv I like what you are saying!
8:57:20 AM
gblock to the head of C(
8:57:20 AM
dfowler skype?
8:57:22 AM
gblock of C9
8:57:23 AM
dfowler jabbr bro
8:57:24 AM
why dont you people frequent jabbr
8:57:30 AM
cuz .net oss sucks thats why
8:57:37 AM
8:57:39 AM
8:57:48 AM
clemensv send me email - I'll be happy to share more details. We're keeping the discussions private for the next few weeks just in order to make sure we have a well understood charter
8:58:13 AM
gblock Jabbr? what about IRC?
8:58:16 AM
serialseb1 i tend to avoid long-running textual conversations, i prefer by far a webcam, a phone line and a chat.
8:58:19 AM
gblock @serialseb1 +1 for skype
8:58:29 AM
shifty 8:58:31 AM
clemensv that was for @molokai - sorry
8:58:32 AM
gblock @serialseb1 or oovoo
8:58:33 AM
dfowler omh
8:58:50 AM
8:58:57 AM
skype? jabbr!!!
8:59:02 AM
shifty hangout!
8:59:13 AM
bryan live meeting?
8:59:21 AM
dfowler you all suck
8:59:22 AM
WilliamBZA email!
8:59:30 AM
dfowler btw @gblock didn't send the email yet
8:59:31 AM
shifty lync!
8:59:31 AM
bryan lol
9:00:47 AM
molokai @clemensv Gotcha!
9:00:49 AM
gblock @dfowler is lying through his teeth
9:00:56 AM
@dfowler or his mail is off, or he has a cc rule
9:01:07 AM
dfowler ahh
9:01:08 AM
just saw it
9:01:09 AM
9:01:10 AM
cc rule
9:01:12 AM
9:01:13 AM
gblock @dfowler or he has that "delete anything from Glenn"
9:01:20 AM
rule on
9:01:22 AM
dfowler damn
9:01:29 AM
sent to a big boss
9:01:32 AM
serialseb1 d gblock .
9:01:33 AM
TheCodeJunkie back
9:01:34 AM
gblock @dfowler why not
9:01:41 AM
serialseb1 nah doesn't work that does
9:01:41 AM
dfowler lol
9:01:52 AM
gblock @dfowler it's a great idea
9:02:03 AM
@dfowler and he'll know the right place for it to land
9:02:15 AM
9:02:44 AM
@serialseb1 try using msg
9:03:08 AM
@serialseb1 /msg
9:03:14 AM
TheCodeJunkie fine
9:03:29 AM
dont tell us
9:03:30 AM
dfowler upper right corner has help or /?
9:03:34 AM
TheCodeJunkie be closed
9:03:37 AM
9:03:39 AM
just to be clear
9:03:45 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie ?
9:03:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie @kcstreet didnt suggest Channel9 OSS to be all about MS OpenTech
9:04:02 AM
serialseb1 aaaaah ok
9:04:05 AM
TheCodeJunkie I could totally see you doing that
9:05:07 AM
kcstreet and it probably shouldn't just be an "OSS show"...more about "Featuring cool stuff you can do on our platforms invented by ppl in the community". So....OSS, xplat Xamarin, node on Azure, whatever. It is about featuring the smart people MS has in its huge ecosystem and showing that for those ppl that are into it, MS has that community too.
9:05:41 AM
dfowler who is this @kcstreet fellow
9:06:09 AM
with all the good ideas
9:06:14 AM
serialseb1 difficulty is justifying the costs and time with *the spreadsheet*, fitting the marketing and avoiding silly conflict of interests
9:06:16 AM
TheCodeJunkie it's Bellware
9:06:29 AM
9:06:29 AM
kcstreet Kerry Street. follow him NOW! @kcstreet free for next 30 min!
9:06:30 AM
9:06:31 AM
dfowler lol
9:06:33 AM
no gravatar
9:06:40 AM
TheCodeJunkie too soon?
9:06:44 AM
dfowler no flag
9:06:46 AM
serialseb1 for example, one year we had our oss fest in a secondary location, with no support to move people around easily, because the main room was for... MS Robotics...
9:06:46 AM
gblock @kcstreet I think that waters down the purpose of the show
9:06:47 AM
kcstreet noob idiot
9:06:47 AM
gblock @kcstreet if the goal is to help spread awareness of OSS it should stick (IMO) to OSS
9:07:06 AM
kcstreet @gblock maybe. can be more than one show? depends on goal for sure.
9:07:29 AM
philliphaydon.com someone get demis in here
9:07:32 AM
gblock @kcstreet yep agreed
9:07:36 AM
@kcstreet I don't at all think it's a bad idea
9:07:44 AM
serialseb1 you want to avoid using the community moniker too, that's already way overloaded with user groups
9:07:46 AM
and i'd rather ineta didn't get involved in any of my stuff
9:07:53 AM
gblock @kcstreet unlike advisory boards which are a bad idea
9:07:59 AM
@serialseb1 how did ineta get into this?
9:08:14 AM
kcstreet @dfowler I mean I am a gravatar late adopter, noob, etc.
9:08:18 AM
serialseb1 community => user groups lead => ineta
9:08:38 AM
9:08:39 AM
serialseb1 sometimes it's difficult to organize stuff alongside ms events unless you go through existing channels, and those are not optimized for that kind of events / organizations
9:08:49 AM
in the UK it's easier as ineta is not in charge and stuff has organized itself organically
9:09:10 AM
and we had an amazing community rep that did everything so well it was a pleasure interacting with MS
9:09:43 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I personally think creating more platforms like Open Source Feast is important
9:10:36 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn that was very cool
9:10:54 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn we talked at some point of having an open OSS day at MS
9:11:04 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Whether thats parallel tracks at events or something else, it helps to start baking in ideas
9:11:13 AM
TheCodeJunkie again..there is a bit of issue with that if its US only
9:11:21 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock that would be cool
9:11:29 AM
@thecodejunkie But isn't that what NDC and OreDev is for?
9:11:47 AM
TheCodeJunkie hard to motivate paying for a round trip to the US to promote your oss stuff that you build when you wife is sleeping =D
9:11:53 AM
michl86 ms germany is limiting the budget for usergroups with non mainstream topics like win8 app development. no money for free promoting of cool .net oss stuff?
9:11:57 AM
serialseb1 when it's not in the US, corp can't use their budgets, so it's left to the national ones. And then that's a budget problem, they have no cash.
9:11:58 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie the challenge with NDC/Oredev etc is it is expensive to get there
9:12:08 AM
serialseb1 well some have massive amounts of cash but most in the developed world have nowt
9:12:10 AM
TheCodeJunkie @anthony.vanderhoorn if it was a platform that was adopted by other conferences then it would be good
9:12:11 AM
kcstreet @gblock I don't know what advisory boards are really, so that qualifies me to agree that they are horrible
9:12:12 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie I love those events, but definitely not cheap
9:12:23 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @theCodeJunkie I have the same problem with being in Australia... I would say worse
9:12:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie I agree
9:12:30 AM
gblock @kcstreet lol I am giving @dfowler shit
9:12:37 AM
dfowler we could all just use javascript
9:12:43 AM
gblock @kcstreet I don't hate them done right
9:12:48 AM
kcstreet @gblock yep, got that
9:12:50 AM
serialseb1 maybe in the performance spreadsheet there should be a "helped promote the OSS ecosystem"?
9:12:54 AM
9:13:01 AM
clemensv @michl86 MS Germany is sadly not a yardstick for the company's community involvement
9:13:01 AM
dfowler @serialseb1 hehe
9:13:02 AM
gblock @serialseb1 for our field?
9:13:07 AM
serialseb1 now if that single line change was made, you'd see 100% increase in participation all over the world
9:13:10 AM
gblock @serialseb1 for who?
9:13:10 AM
clemensv @micl86 and arguably has never been
9:13:18 AM
serialseb1 gblock for performance measuring of regional areas in MS
9:13:29 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn The idea of a advisor board, kinda like how the ASP insiders list was suggested once for OSS where members are self elected
9:13:56 AM
serialseb1 I hear the new spreadsheet is not as bad as the previous dumb one, but it's still pretty much impossible to divert marketing money to OSS as it increases none of the metrics that they get judged on
9:14:01 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn these people would have the agenda to push forward what we are talking about
9:14:20 AM
TheCodeJunkie speaking of spreadsheets.. the MVP tracking one is lacking an OSS tab =D
9:14:34 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn would be public and anyone could be a member if they could contribute
9:15:03 AM
serialseb1 anyway, that's internal sauce but there are real impediments there that need addressing if you want this to work globally
9:15:07 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn someone called it OSS MVP's
9:15:15 AM
clemensv @michl86 the field organizations fund exactly those activities that give them either measureable results on their own bottom line or that are prescribed with highest priority from Redmond - and the latter is usually all about multi-billion dollar breadth businesses
9:15:24 AM
serialseb1 although on those topics i would feel much more comfortable discussing in a private forum
9:15:24 AM
clemens from past experience, the "measurable result" is the problem.
9:16:00 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn yeah we had a discussion about that at Codemash a few years ago
9:16:10 AM
serialseb1 noise on twitter by hashtag is not enough for this, it's a difficult relationship at times, not just for us but for regional orgs that actually do want to do more.
9:16:35 AM
kcstreet re licensing, benefits, featuring etc. Why not add an MVP for OSS . "Woo hoo just got my MS OSS MVP renewed.
9:16:38 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock I was told it didn't get off the ground because of no internal sponsor for $
9:16:43 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn easy to talk about, but as we went through the details there's a lot of unanswered questions
9:16:45 AM
clemensv @serialseb1 that's exactly right. it's unclear how "your" OSS effort is worth thrpowing money at from local subsidiary perspective
9:16:49 AM
michl86 i think it's not about big investment. it's about the mainstream developers trust for the products and the will of ms to support the oss developer.
9:16:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie @kcstreet that would make too much sense
9:16:59 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn well part of it was finding people to drive it.
9:17:04 AM
TheCodeJunkie the universe would implode
9:17:06 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock I guess, but it still feels like what is needed
9:17:07 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn I was part of that, but backed out
9:17:10 AM
clemensv (my typing needs to get a lot better; you'd think I knew after all these years)
9:17:12 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn as I just didn't have the cycles to do it justice
9:17:19 AM
serialseb1 @clemensv even when local subsidiary is already convinced and wants to do it and can't because it can't justify it to corp?
9:17:23 AM
kcstreet @TheCodeJunkie all it takes is another @gblock email
9:17:29 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock do you mean internal people to drive it?
9:17:29 AM
kcstreet : )
9:17:30 AM
serialseb1 @clemensv thats where things are turning really silly and are impediments if you ask me.
9:17:38 AM
clemensv @serialseb1 they have their own local marketing budgets
9:17:43 AM
@serialseb1 in fact, the field owns the bulk of the marketing budgets
9:18:03 AM
serialseb1 @clemensv well we can talk about those too and i can't talk about that on here.
9:18:17 AM
TheCodeJunkie @clemensv they have no issue deciding who to give an MVP and spend money on
9:18:18 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn it was a combination of things
9:18:19 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn part was internally
9:18:23 AM
TheCodeJunkie and that's based on forum activity and blogging =D
9:18:29 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn people to drive / own it
9:18:29 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn part was a lot of unanswered questions as we started to ponder it
9:18:40 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock pity but can understand
9:18:42 AM
serialseb1 @gblock or rather, which product team is gonna pay for it.
9:18:45 AM
philliphaydon.com lol why are we talking about MVPs now
9:18:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie like I said
9:18:56 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn and waht seemed slam dunk started to open a can of worms
9:18:58 AM
philliphaydon.com ill never be MVP
9:19:00 AM
so theres nothing to talk about
9:19:04 AM
TheCodeJunkie add a tab to the MVP tracking spreadsheet that's passed around
9:19:09 AM
problem solved
9:19:13 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie turns out that for MVPs, they propose and the final call is with the BG/PG leads in Redmond
9:19:14 AM
Buildstarted 9:19:15 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock would any of the question be answered more these days with how the community is today?
9:19:15 AM
serialseb1 9:19:17 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock i.e. feedback from the community
9:19:29 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn nothing has change wrt to this
9:19:37 AM
philliphaydon.com @serialseb1 yeah but i had to fork out $1700 of my own money to pay for an MSDN subscription
9:19:38 AM
TheCodeJunkie @clemensv and they clearly favor blogging over community work
9:19:40 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock understood
9:19:51 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn part of it was debate on if we should even be the ones to start this
9:19:53 AM
serialseb1 @
philliphaydon.com you don't need MVP to change stuff and effect the ecosystem. And so did I when i was 16.
9:19:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie @serialseb1 and u got your MSDN from JetBrains? =)
9:19:57 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn will the community carry it or not?
9:19:59 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn if we start it there's a decent chance it won't get carried
9:20:10 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn if someone else starts it, maybe we join in
9:20:17 AM
serialseb1 @TheCodeJunkie I got my msdn over a few different channels over the years, MS has been generous, jetbrains too
9:20:18 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock the community carries asp insiders?
9:20:18 AM
serialseb1 @TheCodeJunkie and I think even through aspinsiders i should be able to get some stuff too these days but i've not researched that
9:20:46 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn true, but that's a group of people who self regulate
9:20:46 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock interesting
9:20:46 AM
philliphaydon.com i only got into the OSS community about 2 years ago because of Udi Dahan
9:20:50 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn here there would be a charter and an actual expectation to carry forward executing on a vision
9:21:04 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock why couldn't "OSS MVPs" be the same?
9:21:08 AM
TheCodeJunkie @serialseb1 insiders aren't eligable to MSDN
9:21:18 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn it's a lot more than should this person be in the list or not
9:21:23 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn it's a lot of effort
9:21:29 AM
TheCodeJunkie but that's a different story in a different forum =)
9:21:31 AM
serialseb1 @TheCodeJunkie better to chat about that on the aspinsiders list
9:21:38 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock pitty things have to be complicated
9:21:53 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn the devil is always in the details
9:22:04 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie that's again a matter of metrics - community work is somewhat difficult to measure against the other people in the running unless you have some quantifiable things to look at
9:22:33 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn not the right venue to really discuss
9:22:36 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn meaning the message won't come across clearly
9:22:47 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock yep
9:22:48 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn if you really care about it though
9:22:58 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn you should work with others to get it kick started
9:23:07 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie making those decisions isn't necessarily straightforward if you don't know everyone personally
9:23:08 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn don't wait for MS
9:23:10 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn and then come to MS and say this is going
9:23:18 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn and here's why we think MS should be involved etc
9:23:31 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock good idea... have to see what can be generated
9:23:34 AM
serialseb1 @gblock tried to launch "community champions" awards from the UK
9:23:36 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn or here's waht we think it could be
9:23:37 AM
TheCodeJunkie @clemensv unless someone starts to think about it though, nothing is ever going to change
9:23:39 AM
serialseb1 without MS involvement, it stalled.
9:23:41 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn I think @TheCodeJunkie at one point was thinking of an OSS MVP
9:23:47 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock good idea
9:23:50 AM
TheCodeJunkie @clemensv having it discarded because it's easier to count blog posts then ..wow =)
9:23:53 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie Personally think it's lame he doesn't have an MVP regardless
9:24:13 AM
serialseb1 that said fi anyone is interested in that and in having a conversation about what we tried and maybe revive the project, again i'm happy to chat about it in another forum
9:24:15 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock There are a lot of people like that re MVP... can name at least 6 people in that camp
9:24:50 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn yeah so I think in this case
9:25:14 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock pity it works the way it does... I guess thats where an OSS MVP would fit
9:25:16 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie it's actually fairly easy to defend a MVP nomination if the case is made clearly. But sitting there and hoping to be discovered as a genius isn't going to help, either.
9:25:21 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn if this is something important, the community should take the mantle
9:25:23 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn and show MS it's valuable to have
9:25:30 AM
kcstreet @clemensv lol
9:25:48 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock have to see what can be done
9:25:51 AM
serialseb1 I think if the converastion is going on to MVPs I'm gonna leave
9:25:53 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn don't be held back by our inability to move forward
9:25:55 AM
TheCodeJunkie @clemensv I know for a fact that I've been nominated several times
9:26:00 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock totally
9:26:05 AM
gblock @serialseb1 it's not
9:26:06 AM
@serialseb1 but what do you think about an "OSS Champion" or whatever
9:26:18 AM
I think MVP is the wrong name also
9:26:23 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock have to see what other people are interested
9:26:29 AM
dfowler champion
9:26:30 AM
gblock for the OSS thing
9:26:30 AM
dfowler lol
9:26:31 AM
serialseb1 @gblock as I said, we tried and failed. I'm happy to try again.
9:26:32 AM
gblock @serialseb1 why did it fail?
9:26:43 AM
TheCodeJunkie personally I would just call it "Hero".. but that's me
9:26:46 AM
gblock @serialseb1 I think if think time if the community is ready
9:26:53 AM
@serialseb1 and says we're doing this
9:27:01 AM
@serialseb1 there are people here that wil listen and help
9:27:11 AM
@serialseb1 but it's got to be organized by the community
9:27:22 AM
@serialseb1 I'll listen and help, I just refuse to try to drive it
9:27:40 AM
@serialseb1 because I just don't have the cycles
9:27:46 AM
@serialseb1 and also I don't think that's the right thing
9:27:55 AM
serialseb1 @gblock well that's what i was suggesting would be better handled in another forum. Ive launched things like that many many times over the years, theres a lot of experience i happy to share
9:27:58 AM
gblock @serialseb1 share it with others like @anthony.vanderhoorn and get it going
9:28:22 AM
@serialseb1 you guys both want this, my challenge to you is make it happen
9:28:37 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie yes. and it's likely that what was in the system about you wasn't making a strong enough argument for you to be awarded, so that's largely a case of not talking. If you know who nominates you, talk to them and help making sure that your contributions are represented accurately and completely and ythen aski them to track progress.
9:28:39 AM
gblock @serialseb1 or at least plan the seeds
9:28:42 AM
@serialseb1 plant
9:28:46 AM
@serialseb1 why did if fail before btw?
9:28:53 AM
serialseb1 @gblock well as i said, i don't ahve the cycles to run this. Plus I've tried to run programs for MS around OSS, community and product launches so often, I think it'd be great for others to get themselves involved and out there
9:29:29 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie if you don'
9:29:31 AM
philliphaydon.com i donno how i can help but i will help anyway i can
9:29:36 AM
im just a pleb from NZ living in Singapore
9:29:51 AM
clemensv @thecodejunkie if you don't have easily measurable metrics to show you'll have to help with the process
9:30:02 AM
TheCodeJunkie @clemensv I know who it was..and I think he made a strong case =D
9:30:12 AM
gblock @serialseb1 we all are in the same boat
9:30:13 AM
@serialseb1 but maybe you don't need to run it
9:30:20 AM
@serialseb1 you can be a catalyst
9:30:24 AM
serialseb1 @gblock it failed from lack of sponsorship, killed MS UK budgets, no visible metrics to get marketing support. An award system that has no MS stamp in the MS community serves in effect no practical purpose. Then theres the MVP / community conflicts. And theres an old guard of long-time MVP tenants that tend to not like the idea and have a lot of negativity to bring to the conversation
9:30:29 AM
gblock @serialseb1 show others so they can run it
9:30:30 AM
@serialseb1 I think in this case we do it differently
9:30:44 AM
@serialseb1 we have people on our side open to the idea of some sort of OSS something
9:30:54 AM
@champion etc
9:31:02 AM
@serialseb1 I meant champion etc
9:31:10 AM
@serialseb1 you get together with people like @anthony.vanderhoorn come up with a model, show it's happening
9:31:24 AM
@serialseb1 then we can talk about how to get MS to be involved
9:31:32 AM
serialseb1 @gblock plus, i have had a bad rep with some MS guys, hence why i never got past mvp nominations to start with, and why efforts that are lead by me will be seen with a negative eye...
9:31:38 AM
gblock @serialseb1 but it's GOT to originate from your efforts
9:31:40 AM
@serialseb1 dont' worry about that
9:31:52 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn I'll see if I can get a conversation started on this and see if it goes anywhere
9:31:52 AM
gblock @serialseb1 work with @anthony.vanderhoorn
9:31:59 AM
@serialseb1 this can't be a one person show to succeed
9:32:06 AM
@serialseb1 you are just a catalyst, you need others
9:32:20 AM
you and @anthony.vanderhoorn
9:32:26 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Totally agree about needing more than one person
9:32:26 AM
9:32:30 AM
@anthony.vanderhoorn you just found more than one
9:32:35 AM
JamesNK Sorry everyone about killing OSS. My bad.
9:32:35 AM
serialseb1 well happy to share all experiences I have and throw a few ideas here and there, jsut skype me and don't ask me to spend hours on a mailing list is all I ask
9:32:40 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn lol
9:32:43 AM
gblock @JamesNK {"message";"get out!"}
9:32:50 AM
9:32:56 AM
serialseb1 I can also bring in the converation the people that were involved originally as they may still be very interested in running this again.
9:33:10 AM
gblock @serialseb1 I don't want you to throw em at me
9:33:11 AM
JamesNK That's invalid JSON
9:33:16 AM
gblock @serialseb1 get on skype with @anthony.vanderhoorn and anyone else here who wants to move it forward.
9:33:29 AM
@serialseb1 I am guessing the @TheCodeJunkie wants to be included
9:33:36 AM
TheCodeJunkie do I get a t-shirt?
9:33:46 AM
gblock @JamesNK are you a human JSON Serializer as well?
9:33:54 AM
9:33:58 AM
kcstreet @serialseb1 and @
philliphaydon.com go reach out to Jono Bacon etc. and create an inclusive "we love all OSS ppl that are awesome" org. get Ubuntu, MS, Oracle, etc. to pitch in and that org can have its own "academy awards" etc. (yeah that just increased scope by a million. Ignore me.)
9:34:01 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn Trying to think of people who should be involved (currently non MS) - @serialseb1, @JamesNK, @TheCodeJunkie, @slace, @shiftkey, @nikmd23, @grumpdev, Fubu guys,
9:34:18 AM
TheCodeJunkie @JamesNK everytime json is serialized with
json.net it's actually sent to James inbox and he manually (de)serialize it
9:34:20 AM
serialseb1 9:34:22 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn who else?
9:34:23 AM
gblock @kcstreet well that was one of the things that came up in our discussions
9:34:26 AM
@kcstreet like why is this limited to .NET?
9:34:35 AM
TheCodeJunkie James is the Chuck Norris of Json
9:34:49 AM
gblock @kcstreet would we grant an award to the Open Office guys?
9:34:49 AM
@kcstreet I mean that's fair game once you are talking OSS
9:35:00 AM
kcstreet @gblock right. I wouldn't limit it to .NET. THe poiont would be to get MS to be seen in the same light as the "traditional OSS"
9:35:05 AM
philliphaydon.com its ok @JamesNK, you're a kiwi, everyone forgives kiwis
9:35:08 AM
gblock @kcstreet but really what people want here is .NET OSS
9:35:08 AM
@kcstreet and thus the debate begins
9:35:23 AM
JamesNK @glock Afraid not. I can never remember whether / or \ is the escape character
9:35:29 AM
serialseb1 main reasons woudl be: you need to start small, you need a small budget to start, you need vendor support, it's hard to kickstart as it is, OSS communities don't mix much between paltforms.
9:35:31 AM
JamesNK @gblock Afraid not. I can never remember whether / or \ is the escape character
9:35:37 AM
gblock @kcstreet because what folks here say they want is .NET OSS
9:35:37 AM
kcstreet @gblock. good point. goals and scope again
9:35:39 AM
gblock @kcstreet I am not saying right or wrong
9:35:51 AM
@kcstreet I am saying it's one of the cans of worms we opened
9:36:01 AM
serialseb1 if it's an award it's given by a group, be it the public or some random expert pannel or a mix of the two
9:36:19 AM
kcstreet @gblock makes sense. its tough.
9:36:21 AM
serialseb1 now as platforms don't intermix much, how is a node guy gonna vote for a .net guy, and how are the openoffice guys gonna have anything to do with that
9:36:39 AM
gblock @serialseb1 I agree
9:36:50 AM
@serialseb1 and also Open Office might win hands down
9:36:58 AM
cyberzed @serialseb1 btw could you drop a link to the article you wrote last year?
9:37:01 AM
kcstreet is there agreement on what orgs are for profit companies are "doing it right" that have things to be copied?
9:37:03 AM
gblock @serialseb1 or say the Linux kernel?
9:37:06 AM
TheCodeJunkie this is complicated as it is
9:37:10 AM
gblock @cyberzed he already did
9:37:25 AM
serialseb1 so that'd be the why .net oss to start is more focused. Alternatively, find an existing award scheme and lobby for a .net set of specific awards for that community
9:37:26 AM
TheCodeJunkie plz dont try to do non-,net oss as well =)
9:37:30 AM
gblock @serialseb1 I agree
9:37:32 AM
cyberzed argh scroll hell for me then
9:37:39 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie so mono / .NET
9:37:44 AM
kcstreet @serialseb agree
9:37:44 AM
serialseb1 9:37:53 AM
TheCodeJunkie @gblock that'd be my vote
9:37:58 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn gtg
9:38:33 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn keep this alive
9:38:43 AM
serialseb1 if you want to move forward with this, find 6 reps max that form an organization committee, flush ideas, run with it, launch it, go to vendors and get freebies
9:38:49 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock will see what we can do
9:38:54 AM
gblock @anthony.vanderhoorn Setup a skype with you, Nik, @TheCodeJunkie and @serialseb1
9:38:57 AM
cyberzed @serialseb1 thank you
9:39:04 AM
kcstreet How about an "OSS" Category in the Windows Store? Or is this mainly about frameworks and not apps built using them?
9:39:08 AM
anthony.vanderhoorn @gblock sounds good
9:39:14 AM
9:39:18 AM
dfowler windows store
9:39:30 AM
9:39:31 AM
like we can change that
9:39:34 AM
kcstreet lol
9:39:36 AM
hey, dream big
9:39:41 AM
: )
9:39:43 AM
serialseb1 make the process a closed discussion that is being had in the open so you can move forward. And finally be strict about leading forward rather than design by committee. Make it the goal to define the categories of awards and voting processes for deciding.
9:39:45 AM
TheCodeJunkie how about OSS in WebPI
9:39:49 AM
serialseb1 and invovle the mono and xamarin communities too.
9:39:51 AM
TheCodeJunkie how about OSS in WebMatrix template library (I've asked)
9:39:57 AM
how about ..
9:40:02 AM
serialseb1 Right, that's enough from me I really need to get going, got 6 hours of train to face this afternoon
9:40:07 AM
gblock @serialseb1 thanks for coming
9:40:24 AM
clemensv @kcstreet how would normal people care about that vs the existing 'free' filter?
9:40:25 AM
gblock @serialseb1 and @dfowler will sleep well knowing you don't hate him
9:40:41 AM
TheCodeJunkie @serialseb1 cya seb..
9:40:44 AM
dfowler lol
9:41:01 AM
9:41:02 AM
gblock @serialseb1 and I will sleep not well knowing he hates advisory boards
9:41:13 AM
kcstreet @clemensv they wouldn't. audience problem. at 12:40am I just type and see what comes out : )
9:41:19 AM
serialseb1 haha
9:41:30 AM
good day y'all
9:41:31 AM
gblock And i bet @dfowler wishes he never said that
9:41:37 AM
OK, so we actually got somewhere productive!
9:41:57 AM
this is good
9:41:59 AM
for those who are late joining
9:42:03 AM
1. We're going to feature some OSS content on
ASP.NET 9:42:12 AM
9:42:19 AM
Well we do that already, let's say OSS as in alternative fwks like "Nancy"
9:42:41 AM
philliphaydon.com awesomesauce
9:43:06 AM
dfowler notice @gblock is promising all this
9:43:36 AM
9:43:40 AM
gblock 9:43:44 AM
dfowler now it's part of his review
9:43:45 AM
gblock lol
9:43:49 AM
clemensv yes, I'm also taking notes
9:43:50 AM
philliphaydon.com yes we are going to hold this against him
9:43:56 AM
gblock @dfowler I am saying "intend"
9:44:03 AM
philliphaydon.com his life is on the line
9:44:06 AM
dfowler lol
9:44:06 AM
gblock 3. We're going to SEE about getting an OSS show on C9
9:44:17 AM
philliphaydon.com <3
9:44:23 AM
kcstreet 4. scriptcs is becoming an official MS project with own budget and will nominate its own OSS MVChampionHero (#not true)
9:44:30 AM
clemensv @gblock you said "we will"
9:44:32 AM
gblock 4. We're going to sit back and watch the community from an OSS Champion sort of thing
9:44:36 AM
@clemensv I already got approval on the content
9:44:45 AM
@clemensv so yes I stand behind "we will" for that
9:44:53 AM
@clemensv c/o Scott Hunter
9:45:03 AM
philliphaydon.com whats the OSS Champion thing?
9:45:08 AM
JamesNK 9:45:18 AM
gblock And the OSS page c/o Hanselman
9:45:18 AM
dfowler lol
9:45:22 AM
gblock As to C9, That's up to Jefff
9:45:36 AM
philliphaydon.com 9:45:38 AM
9:45:40 AM
clemensv @gblock good that you're covering your bases, Sir. Go on,
9:45:41 AM
gblock All I am committing to there is sending a mail which I did!
9:45:46 AM
@clemensv good that i have you there to always catch me :-0
9:45:56 AM
clemensv @gblock I'm just here to radiate evil
9:46:22 AM
gblock @clemensv lol
9:46:30 AM
@clemensv with evil good would not exist
9:46:35 AM
@clemensv wthout
9:46:41 AM
clemensv @gblock q.e.d.
9:46:46 AM
gblock and everything I just said, I now pass to @dfowler
9:47:06 AM
9:47:12 AM
csainty How could a site like
http://www.asp.net/mvc/open-source ever stay up to date.. build it from popular nuget packages marked as open source or something,, having a favourites page just seems so wrong to me.
9:47:42 AM
gblock @csainty that's an interesting question
9:48:40 AM
philliphaydon.com id love to see the open-source section become a main tab
9:48:43 AM
gblock @csainty is it a favorites page?
9:48:59 AM
dfowler lol
9:49:17 AM
gblock @csainty node has top modules
9:49:20 AM
philliphaydon.com be awesome to get blog posts on there
9:49:20 AM
gblock @
philliphaydon.com that's good you feel that way, because I might be coming to you to write one
9:49:39 AM
TheCodeJunkie i'd write one
9:49:58 AM
9:50:04 AM
philliphaydon.com @gblock i wanna see the .NET OSS become an awesome place for everyone and to grow, so ill help where ever i can
9:50:05 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie I figured i'd come to your first
9:50:07 AM
@csainty what do you think would work>
9:50:30 AM
@csainty ideally the community could submit frameworks
9:51:18 AM
@csainty or libraries
9:51:23 AM
JonasEriksson @csainty @gblock a simple OSS section on the
asp.net frontpage - listing the most popular .net OSS repos from codeplex & github in a nice way would be good
9:51:31 AM
gblock @csainty or maybe based on nuget downlads?
9:51:33 AM
JonasEriksson top level
9:51:41 AM
gblock 9:51:49 AM
@JonasEriksson what else do you wanna see there?
9:52:00 AM
philliphaydon.com i dont think we need to feature 'popular' but feature non-the-less would be awesome
9:52:04 AM
because it may be someone comes up with a new idea that its worth promoting to get feedback and such
9:52:24 AM
so it becomes known
9:52:31 AM
kcstreet Maybe bring in the big guns (Gu, Ballmer?, Hanselman, etc.) once a year to do an online only AzureConf type thing all focused on the .NET OSS ecosystem? The Azure online conf was/is pretty good and it would be cool to have a "day" full of the best OSS stuff for that year. Maybe the best stuff from that C9 show gets narrowed down to the Online Conf and MS flies the project owners in to be speakers etc. #brainstorming
9:53:14 AM
adamral.ph congratulations to hanselman for being a peer of Ballmer
9:53:45 AM
kcstreet lol
9:53:49 AM
dfowler lol
9:53:51 AM
gblock 9:53:52 AM
kcstreet in "community" world probably more than peer : )
9:54:10 AM
gblock @
adamral.ph he just got bumped 10 levels in jabbr and he doesn't know it.
9:54:21 AM
kcstreet Ballmer "Developers Developers Developers" just his opening act : )
9:54:42 AM
JonasEriksson @gblock those lists are not very well maintained imo, plus categorized one level under MVC or WebForms
9:55:16 AM
gblock @kcstreet an OSS event is an interesting idea
9:55:20 AM
TheCodeJunkie if we could have Ballmer do "OSS OSS OSS!" that'd be great
9:55:30 AM
damit ppl
9:55:38 AM
gblock @TheCodeJunkie that'll happen
9:55:44 AM
TheCodeJunkie i suggested //OSS earlier scroll upp
9:55:45 AM
9:55:49 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson that is the problem with lists
9:56:01 AM
Matthew45 It would be cool to see MS throw some money at OSS events and stuff. It would give a nice even opportunity vs them funding specific projects...
9:56:05 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson what if we had one where the community can edit it?
9:56:11 AM
kcstreet They are sponsoring some Xamarin stuff and I thougth MOnkeyspace
9:56:23 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson anyone could add their own project?
9:56:23 AM
@JonasEriksson if you look at the node wiki for example they have that
9:56:36 AM
TheCodeJunkie @gblock would MS sponsor an Open.Web day in the US? I've got Sweden and Oslo sorted =D
9:56:45 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson it's crowd sourced, companies put their name and also list projects
9:56:47 AM
@TheCodeJunkie we could definitely start the convo
9:57:09 AM
@TheCodeJunkie I'd ping galloway
9:57:15 AM
TheCodeJunkie Working wiht Tiberg and FooCafé on this side of the pond
9:57:30 AM
aiming to do the first one this fall
9:57:38 AM
Just need to set a date
9:58:31 AM
philliphaydon.com @TheCodeJunkie if the conference is in english
9:58:32 AM
i might try come to sweden
9:58:37 AM
TheCodeJunkie it will be
9:58:38 AM
1 day event
9:58:49 AM
JonasEriksson @gblock the existing list are very static, and not that interesting to read through, a small step could be just add sort by downloads / stars / trending
9:58:58 AM
philliphaydon.com thats cool, i really wanna visit sweden
9:59:01 AM
TheCodeJunkie 5-6 sessions, all the oss web frameworks represented
9:59:03 AM
philliphaydon.com so ill try come for like 2-3 days
9:59:17 AM
Matthew45 Stick a day on the end of TechEd everywhere
9:59:19 AM
TheCodeJunkie I'd be on a weekend
9:59:26 AM
kcstreet @Mathew45 having OSS "room" or day on the big conferences like they did at Mix? I think would be great. just make it assumed part of the big events
9:59:57 AM
I think JOhn Papa did one at Mix that went well. do more of that
10:00:30 AM
TheCodeJunkie that was teh open source fest
10:00:38 AM
JonasEriksson @gblock + where are for example nancy and servicestack in those lists?
10:00:38 AM
TheCodeJunkie I have to head out
10:00:50 AM
got an internal workshop on Knockout and Underscore
10:01:02 AM
cya'll later
10:01:07 AM
10:01:10 AM
Matthew45 Yeah I think things like OSS logging and IoC libraries etc get plenty of love via nuget etc
10:01:14 AM
but full stacks like servicestack and nancy seem to be less accepted by people nervous of choosing something not 'core' .net
10:01:42 AM
kcstreet @TheCodeJunkie cya! thanks
10:01:44 AM
csainty Sorry I got distracted by the day job.. I'm not sure I have a perfect answer, all forms of "top" lists have their flaws. But surely the worst of the lost is an infrequently updated static page. A static page with a highly involved and responsive curator is probably the best. Auto generated is going to fall somewhere in the middle Sadly I dont have time for a long discussion at the moment, but ill keep trying to check back on the dicussions
10:02:44 AM
kcstreet @Mathew45 I am not sure that overcoming a large Enterpsrise perceived "nervousness" is ever going to be a problem MS (or anyone) can solve. Just right tool for job/environment kinda thing Iimo
10:02:56 AM
Matthew45 For instance I've heard people talk about SignalR like it is ok to use now it is 'official'. It was awesome before...
10:03:15 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson missing, but we're going to change that
10:03:19 AM
@JonasEriksson I am asking would having that content be editable by the community / the community maintains it rather than us solely be desirable (meaning the OSS list)
10:03:49 AM
@JonasEriksson by lists you mean the OSS list or something else?
10:04:02 AM
@csainty thanks!
10:04:18 AM
JonasEriksson @gblock popular (non-ms) .Net OSS repos lists yeah, dunno about editable by community, the descriptions does already come from the repos I guess?
10:05:23 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson take node for example
10:05:45 AM
@JonasEriksson there's npm which is the package manager
10:05:54 AM
@JonasEriksson and you can see stats there of projects etc
10:06:03 AM
@JonasEriksson kinda like nuget, though different
10:06:17 AM
10:07:15 AM
@JonasEriksson which anyone can do a PR to....I know i've done it
10:07:26 AM
@JonasEriksson and suggest they put their module on their
10:07:35 AM
@JonasEriksson sorry "there"
10:07:52 AM
@JonasEriksson but I'd like to see it one step further were people can put stars
10:08:09 AM
@JonasEriksson like with github repos
10:08:16 AM
JonasEriksson @gblock I like stars like github follow star and downloads stats, PRs the node way great
10:11:33 AM
gblock @JonasEriksson cool
10:11:52 AM
10:11:59 AM
philliphaydon.com if things change
10:12:09 AM
10:12:10 AM
if we all move forward and make the community better and better, im happy
10:12:30 AM
if it stops or goes backward ill be sad
10:12:37 AM
and i guess eventually leave to ruby or something
10:12:47 AM
kcstreet or Fuby
10:13:03 AM
gblock 10:13:25 AM
10:14:04 AM
10:14:10 AM
philliphaydon.com node doesn't really interest me that much
10:14:30 AM
im more keen to look at Sinatra
10:14:36 AM
gblock 10:14:45 AM
kcstreet 10:14:46 AM
gblock @kcstreet no i meant just node
10:14:59 AM
kcstreet I know : )
10:15:03 AM
gblock @kcstreet now you are pushing buttons
10:15:11 AM
Matthew45 I think trying to get more people involved is half the problem. To somehow make people feel doing their OSS projects on .net is rewarding
10:16:16 AM
kcstreet @gblock just a joke. you don't need to prove your open-mind to me Glenn. I know you don't roll like that. (based on when I have heard you speak and write anyway)
10:16:50 AM
@Mathew45 what do you think results in the "rewarding feeling" on other platforms?
10:17:37 AM
Matthew45 No idea... but take ruby and node as examples I think people feel if they upload a module/gem or build a framework it will get more attention and make them feel like they are part of an ecosystem
10:18:52 AM
csainty Just curious, are people looking for more libraries and frameworks for .net, or more open source software built in .net?
10:19:31 AM
gblock @Matthew45 node evolved with the community from day one
10:20:23 AM
@Matthew45 and there were several big contributing factors
10:20:40 AM
@Matthew45 first the core team kept node itself very lean
10:20:51 AM
Matthew45 I think so. I know at my workplace we will be evaluating several options for our web apis... 2yrs ago there wouldn't have even been a discussion
10:21:01 AM
gblock @Matthew45 second, node grew on github
10:21:04 AM
philliphaydon.com @csainty more exposure in general, most companies know of .NET stuff via Microsoft,
10:21:16 AM
gblock @Matthew45 third npm combined with the small core really gave the node community empowerment to determine it's future
10:21:32 AM
philliphaydon.com i want these companies to be aware that OSS exists in .NET
10:21:38 AM
Matthew45 Yeh and node is new and shiny and exciting so I get that it will have a cetain attraction .net won't
10:21:44 AM
gblock @Matthew45 and I think _THAT_ excites a ton of foks
10:21:47 AM
philliphaydon.com if they choose to use it or not is up to them, but atleas they are aware, and it really benefits MS as well as the community
10:21:57 AM
gblock @Matthew45 well yes new, but the fact that it became "our" stack
10:22:03 AM
csainty 10:22:11 AM
gblock @Matthew45 meaning the people contributing to it really helped chart it's future
10:22:16 AM
philliphaydon.com existing, new, what ever
10:22:33 AM
gblock @Matthew45 but yes definitely new was an attractor
10:22:34 AM
philliphaydon.com lots of people will still always use MS libraries
10:22:36 AM
because they feel safer
10:22:42 AM
and they have every right to use those
10:22:44 AM
gblock @
philliphaydon.com yes the diff with node is the core team stopped at a very small core
10:23:02 AM
10:23:09 AM
Matthew45 I think that is another thing with MS.. they have open sourced a lot of the web stack but I don't think the community feels involved in the road map
10:23:10 AM
philliphaydon.com at the moment tho MS overshadows the OSS community and i want the community to stand side by side with MS
10:23:10 AM
kcstreet @Matthew45 with npm and gems it seems like "distribution" and "visibility" are important to you. So go you think NuGet and Chocolatey etc. can help here? Does MS need to help them in some way?
10:23:20 AM
csainty @gblock what are your thoughts on npm being code files rather than nuget (typically) being dlls? I have dug into more node libraries than .net libraries for that simple reason
10:23:29 AM
gblock @Matthew45 I think it depends on where
10:23:33 AM
@csainty I think it's a huge benefit
10:23:48 AM
@csainty and scriptcs is experimenting with some of those ideas
10:24:03 AM
kcstreet @csainty scriptcs is trying to do the "code" NuGet stuff
10:24:07 AM
Matthew45 Well nuget has done a lot for visibility. You can't fault MS for that
10:24:08 AM
csainty @gblock Yeah I havent had the time to fire it up, but I am a fan of the concept for sure
10:24:28 AM
gblock @csainty @kcstreet yes which definitely node was a big influence there
10:24:30 AM
kcstreet @gblock yep, heard you on DNR. Cool stuff.
10:24:48 AM
gblock @csainty as far as packages as scripts themselves, I just threw out that idea to the nuget team
10:24:53 AM
@kcstreet and packages as source is another idea
10:25:00 AM
@kcstreet meaning full project but source no dlls
10:25:08 AM
kcstreet @gblock that sounds interesting
10:25:28 AM
gblock @csainty I think in node, having access to the source is really important
10:25:38 AM
@csainty it builds confidence or not in the library
10:25:45 AM
@csainty people actually look at the code, and make determinations based on it's quality
10:26:04 AM
@csainty also comforting to know it's real easy to debug
10:26:14 AM
@csainty in the sense that you can just muck with the code
10:26:27 AM
allright folks
10:26:39 AM
well 1:30 am
10:26:39 AM
gotta head out
10:26:44 AM
csainty @gblock yeah absolutely, I think the community could benefit from trying to build smaller packages that are nugetable by source. I loved that about dapper
10:26:51 AM
kcstreet @gblock can NuGet pull source grom GH as project?
10:26:52 AM
gblock but this has been one great convo
10:26:55 AM
@kcstreet not today
10:27:09 AM
@kcstreet but I did ask for them to allow that
10:27:18 AM
Matthew45 @gblock keep it up dude
10:27:18 AM
kcstreet @gblock that would be sweet
10:27:28 AM
gblock @Matthew45 thanks! well you keep up your side, I'll keep up mine
10:27:38 AM
@kcstreet yeah I love that about npm
10:27:40 AM
@kcstreet that you can just point at a github repo
10:27:47 AM
philliphaydon.com back soon
10:27:56 AM
gblock night folks.
10:28:05 AM
kcstreet @gblock didn't know you could (never used) but cool
10:28:11 AM
yes, keep it up guys. 1:30 Here too. Gotta sleep.
10:28:12 AM
10:28:18 AM
molokai Just change the timezone to CET... 10:29am here.
10:29:31 AM
philliphaydon.com im BACK
10:58:27 AM
everyones gone
10:58:38 AM
10:58:39 AM
mcintyre321 A bit late to the party, but here are my thoughts:
11:59:55 AM
first, shift-enter doesn't start a new line without sending a message.
12:00:17 PM
adamral.ph party's over. lights are on and cleaners are in
12:00:45 PM
mcintyre321 then i have the floor
12:00:54 PM
I'd like to see a DotNetKicks that didn't suck
12:05:04 PM
for .NET oss
12:05:10 PM
WilliamBZA 12:36:30 PM
12:36:31 PM
dwragan 3:59:30 PM
It's the whole reason we created it! We're trying to bring some cohesion to a split community.
4:00:08 PM
We're a 501(c)(3) organization consisting of board members. The board members are: Dale Ragan, Joseph Hill, Phil Haack, David Nielsen, and Scott Hanselman.
4:00:52 PM
4:01:07 PM
TheCodeJunkie where's my stickers!
4:04:00 PM
philliphaydon.com I WANT STICKERS
4:04:41 PM
dwragan @TheCodeJunkie I mailed your Moncai stickers a while back. Have you not received them yet?
4:05:56 PM
4:05:59 PM
You can support us by buying our schwag!
4:06:10 PM
TheCodeJunkie Not yet
4:06:20 PM
can take a week ro two from the states
4:06:25 PM
anyway..time to head home
4:06:29 PM
4:06:31 PM
philliphaydon.com i wanna monkey square cup
4:06:51 PM
for my coffee
4:06:54 PM
so i can drink NancyFX, Github and Monkey Square coffee
4:07:06 PM
dwragan ha, ha, noted, we'll try to get some added to the store.
4:08:29 PM
philliphaydon.com awesome
4:08:35 PM
ill 110% buy one
4:08:41 PM
i can't donate atm, atleast not for next 2 months, bought car, got like no money
4:08:56 PM
ive even had to cut back on coffee
4:09:03 PM
fekberg.com Sell the car
4:09:07 PM
csainty A car? you need a car in singapore? Isnt the whole country just one large skyscraper and you take elevators everywhere?
4:11:59 PM
philliphaydon.com i bought a car in thailand
4:13:21 PM
cos im sick of sitting on a bike all the time
4:13:27 PM
ass gets sore
4:13:29 PM
csainty id buy a more comfy bike i'll only have a license here for another couple of months, determined to not need a car
4:16:01 PM
dan_b came in this room for oss, got discussions on PH's ass instead
5:18:34 PM
philliphaydon.com haha
5:19:34 PM
discussion ended about 6 hours ago
5:19:49 PM
so if you wanna scroll up before that
5:19:53 PM
dan_b yeah i was here for the tail end this morning (930am gmt)
5:20:52 PM
WilliamBZA the debate rages on
8:49:14 PM
9:38:25 PM
9:48:43 PM
piratevsninja just entered oss
9:50:01 PM
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